
12 Days of Christmas: Day 8

Here’s a survey by our very own Dish! I lend a hand once in awhile on her site as my alter-ego Doctor Robert. Trish definitely has the holiday spirit in her at all times of the year (not unlike our friend Katie whose survey I just received and it’s fab!) and she has warm fuzzy red socks to lend out at any time (as seen in the photo of me in the Christmas Rocks photo shoot.). If you ask nicely, Trish may be able to hook you up with her Christmas Rocks album for the holidays.

Without further wait…

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
Well Palmer, as you know, I do love cheesy Christmas music. A few of my very favourites include “Ay Ay Ay, It’s Christmas” by Ricky Martin, “Mele Kalikimaka” by Bing Crosby, “Last Christmas” by Wham and, of course, “What Can You Get a Wookiee for Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb)” by the Intergalactic Droid Choir.

Also, Christmas would not be Christmas if I didn’t get to harass my older sister by hiding “festivities” (i.e. really tacky fake glow-in-the-dark icicles) around her room.

What’s your least favourite thing about Christmas?
The irate shoppers who cut you off in the parking lot of the mall, push you out of their way in the stores when you are trying to look at things and even rip items from your hands because they have no taste themselves and need to rely on perfect strangers to pick out gifts for their loved ones.

What’s better? The Christmas Story or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? Why?
National Lampoon’s definitely has a place in my heart. You really just can’t beat the Griswold family’s Christmas lights or the toboggan scene. I also enjoy the look on the grandfather’s face when he yells “Squirrel!” and the line “We’re at the threshold of hell!” used when everything about Christmas has gone horribly awry.

What’s your favourite drink during the holiday season?
Slushy punch because it is fruity and delicious, and it contains the equivalent of my body weight in sugar (recipe available upon request).

What should Vero get Palmer for Christmas?
A Red Hots 2 Minute Hot Dog Cooker ( so he will stop borrowing mine already! (And some warm cozy socks for the same reason.)

2 replies on “12 Days of Christmas: Day 8”

I guess great minds think alike! I had no idea you were planning to buy him a hotdog cooker! Don’t worry. Even if it isn’t a surprise, he’ll still love it. ;o)

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