
Smashing Pumpkins To Release Acoustic EP

We are living in the land of ‘I need my music now and there is a way of achieving that!’. Case in point, hot off of their 2007 tour, the Smashing Pumpkins went into the studio and cut four acoustic tracks which will be released on January 2. This is quite the quick turnaround. In the yesteryear, we would have had to wait until 2011. Not anymore!

They will release this EP on iTunes in the US, but everywhere else gets a sweet physical copy. I am stoked by this because…I like my physical copy. It’s nice to pop it into the car stereo. It’s also nice to have as a backup in case my hard drive dies. Don’t know how I feel about the digital realm yet in terms of purchases.

Anyhow, I am excited for this new EP and I hope that it brings forth new methods of distribution for the Pumpkins. They are toying around with how to get their music out there when they feel it’s hot and not wait until they have an album worth of material. We can see clearly that the entire industry has went back to a single-driven world (well, did it ever really leave?) where you used to buy your 45s with your new favourite song.