
12 Days of Christmas: Day 9

Day 9 rolls in…egads…we are close to Christmas! I wasn’t even thinking about how close Christmas actually was until I noticed the date on my watch yesterday. I hope that everyone is done their Christmas shopping so they can relax and enjoy a good book. I have my final exam tonight and tomorrow will be a whirlwind of last minute shopping, packing and dropping off gifts. If you see an amazing looking gift on your doorstep on Saturday morning, it was from me.

Katie sent in her Christmas thoughts and she gave me a variety of pictures to choose from. I definitely wanted to put up the cowboy picture but I also thought a Santa hat may do it justice. You can decide which one you like better. Also, she sent in what can only be described as something she picked up after a ride in the Delorean.

What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
My favourite thing is probably giving gifts, whether it’s something that puts a smile on your face, or inviting friends over to enjoy a meal, or giving to charity. It’s such a good time of year, I sometimes have a hard time reigning myself in.

What’s your least favorite thing about Christmas?
Hmmmm…I don’t have a lot of least favourite things. Maybe getting up super early? Also the crowds whether in the stores/malls or the crowded living rooms.

What’s better? The Christmas Story or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? Why?
Okay, I’m sorry, I have to go on a bit of a rant here. If you guys think that the best Christmas movies out there are the two choices listed above, boy are you missing out. The best Christmas movie, by FAR, is One Magic Christmas. There’s tons of humour, some sappiness, some scrooginess, heartbreak, hope and of course Santa!!! And the two cutest kids (brother and sister) ever. Oh, and did I mention that it’s Canadian. This doesn’t tell you much but you must believe (ahem, perhaps a recurring theme in the movie) in what I say. Oh, and a very very young Sarah Polley makes an appearance. [Palmer’s Note – I am definitely going to take a look at this film over the holidays! I am intrigued.]

What’s your favorite drink during the holiday season?
Got to agree with the mimosa’s Christmas morning.

What should Vero get Palmer for Christmas?
For some reason, I still think love is enough.

5 replies on “12 Days of Christmas: Day 9”

I must say that I had forgotten about that movie, but I watch it every year. The first time I watched it I don’t think I even watched the whole thing, but then when I watched the whole thing I got the gist of the movie and I really liked it and put it on my list of movies to watch at Christmas time.

coloring a cowboy hat does not make for a christmas picture…..
Has Palmer ever relaxed his stringent rule for shristmas photos now hasn’t he? shame on you palmer……

I can definitely answer why this counts. BECAUSE WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF PEOPLE WRITING SURVEYS! Katie graciously helped me try to achieve the 12 Days of Christmas! I may make it to Day 11. Not sure. I think I may have to pinch hit and do Day 12.

Just wanted to say that “One Magic Christmas” is kinda cute, BUT…I honestly don’t think kids should watch it. The whole idea that Santa can bring a parent back from the dead is a terrible lesson to teach at Xmas. Young kids may not understand that this is just a fantasy.

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