
Back in the Past

The Holidays Gods have blessed me with a clear head after a hard night of rocking at the legion. Dad showed me how to operate the plough on the ATV and plowed the driveway for awhile as it was raining and crappy outside so everything was slush. After resting easy in the morning and picking up a few last minute things (including some wrapping paper as someone misplaced theirs), Randy and Lina came over to visit. I haven’t seen Randy in a few years and had never met Lina so I was anxious for the day to begin. After talking with my folks for a bit, Randy and I retired to the basement and the magic was recaptured as we jammed together again. Randy was the first person I really jammed with when I started playing guitar. We played some classics and he introduced me to a few tunes I never tried out like Tripping Daisy’s Piranhas and Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game (which I remember Three Days Grace covering last year). John also showed up with his electric guitar and provided some mythical lead guitar. He is by far the most talented guitar player I have ever met. It comes naturally to this individual.

After a few hours of jamming, Mom and Dad were gracious enough to invite everyone to a feed of moose meat. We then piled all the equipment into John’s Suburban and headed to Jeff’s. It was nice seeing him again and it was the first time I met his wife Kate and she is lovely. We continued the jam session and John taught me a few things about playing bass guitar and I had a good time while it lasted. The night descended into madness fueled by jamming and alcohol and by 1:00 I was ready to hit the sack. It was nice to walk the long walk home in the middle of a snowy night as it reminded me of my youth as I cut through the backyard of the french high school. Too bad that it had snowed all day long and the path was about a foot deep! I navigated well until the end where it turned into slush and it was all downhill from that point!