

Calvin and Hobbes

Definition: A silly or foolish person.

This morning I was reading Calvin and Hobbes during breakfast and laughed at the use of the word nincompoop and wondered what the actual definition was.

In a weird twist of fate, I was riding the bus this morning to work and I placed one of my gloves in my pocket and the other on my lap because my pocket gets really stuffed if both are in there. My thinking on this was “Well, I will use both gloves when I get off the bus anyhow.” Let me tell you that I have earned the title of nincompoop this morning as after 100 steps off the bus I realized that I had lost a glove. Clearly it was on my lap during the trip and clearly must have fallen off onto the floor when I stood up because in reality, after 30 minutes of reading some amazing literature on Star Wars and Saved by The Bell (from Chuck Klosterman’s collection of essays entitled Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs), your brain doesn’t say “Have you forgotten anything on the bus?”

Nincompoop indeed.

Can I also point out how joyful my mornings have become now that I read Calvin and Hobbes? I haven’t read them in years and it’s like I’ve had a friend return from a long time away and puts a smile on my face during my bowl of oatmeal. Whether it’s the two of them playing Calvinball, or Calvin’s bicycle attacking him, I can never get enough.

2 replies on “Nincompoop”

Just an observation….if you have 2 hands and 2 gloves do you not have 2 pockets in you jacket? One for each glove.

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