
Good Grades Eh?

Well the grades for last semester are finally posted.  I got a B+ in Critical Thinking and a B in Sociology.  Sociology is a welcome surprised considering I got a D+ on the first assignment.  I recruited some smart people to help me with the follow-up report and managed to bring up my mark.  Thanks Krista, Trish and all the other people I can’t think of right now!

Turns out that in the end, I will always be a ‘B’ student, which is fine by me.  It takes a special kind of person to not strive to get that ‘A’ Grade.  Or, at the very least, realize that it’s impossible and you should focus half of your efforts on socializing in the school system.  Hello Frathouse!  Actually, I have yet to find a Frathouse while on campus.  Are they hidden away somewhere in Sandy Hill?  I definitely remember going to a few Frat parties back in the day with Danny.  This brings back a memory when I was waiting for the washroom and Danny comes out with a giant icicle in his hand.  What the heck?  He said someone passed it to him!

One reply on “Good Grades Eh?”

I hate overachievers! There I said it. What is wrong with being average? I work 25+hrs/week and I am taking 5 university courses. I refuse to compare myself or let someone who barely works 15hrs/week and is only taking 2 courses feel better about themselves on my account. F-THAT

The thing that burns me the most… when you are leaving an exam and said overachiever says “Oh man I soooo failed” only to get the results a week later and she has 100%, oh wait was their a bonus question on that one…107%.

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