
A Letter to OC Transpo – Regarding Changing of Bus Routes

On April 9, 2009 at 4PM, I went to Hurdman station in hopes to get a bus up the Vanier Parkway to get close to Conventry Road. I had been on a bus before but couldn’t remember the number so I went to consult the bus station map. It indicated that the #3 bus went up Vanier Parkway as well as the 103 which was an express route. I searched around the area for a schedule for either of these routes but had no luck.

No matter, it was the middle of rush hour and I knew that the bus going up Vanier Parkway would come fairly often so I waited at the stop for the bus. I did find it odd that there were no stops with a listing for the #3 route, so I waited at the 1C stop that had the #103 listed and I recalled that this was the stop that I had been picked up by the bus before.

Unfortunately, in the span of 50 minutes, no #3 or #103 had come by and I had to head back downtown to go to a class at the University. I was hoping to get to Conventry to pick up my car from Canadian Tire, but time had run out.

I was frustrated with the ordeal and couldn’t understand why a #3 had never come my way. I mentioned this to my roommate later that night and he said he was pretty sure that the #3 wasn’t running along Vanier Parkway any longer and that the #9 (a new line) had taken over.

Sure enough, after consulting your website, this seems to be the case.

I am sure that notices and signs were up at Hurdman long before the bus route had changed as OC Transpo seems to have a good reputation of informing the public of when a bus route will change. But in my case, for a person who is not too familiar route, I rely on the transit map which is available at the bus stop.

Can there be an updated map placed at the Hurdman station, or at the very least, a notice on the board indicating that the #9 has taken over the place of the #3 route which used to run up Vanier Parkway? That woul be swell.
