
All in a day’s work

After work I headed over to Mike’s new pad on Bay Street…right in the heart of Ottawa. I was amazed at how close it was to my work and immediately became jealous. Imagine the concept of being able to walk to work, let alone bike it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of his place…I love the brick walls in the house as well as some vintage looking items within it. Well chosen Michael, well chosen.

We headed home where we proceeded to have an impromptu nap and then I watched a bit of Mad Men Season 2 before Mike asked for my help downstairs. We were going to make a load to bring to the apartment. Unfortunately, he started me off with the heaviest item in the world. I was hoping to work my way into it! In hindsight, I’m glad I helped him move a few things as I am helping Holly and Alex move some large items on Tuesday.

After loading up the vehicles, we headed to his apartment around 8PM where we encountered some construction on the Queensway. After that hurdle, it was quite fast to unload our vehicles and his apartment is now starting to take shape. He has a nice lower level of the place which will most likely end up being his own pad. He also bought these amazing lamps from Ikea that put off a lot more light than I would have thought they would!

All in all, the move is happening quite quickly and it is with sadness to see him leave but am also happy that he upgraded in a sense. He is excited to start biking to work and experience the downtown living to its fullest.