
…and the Oscar Goes To Me?

Here’s to my main man, Jack Nicholson, who last night was sporting a shaved head at the Oscars. Man, I hope that is for an upcoming role because it didn’t suit him too much. I just like seeing Jack at the Oscars as he is basically synonymous with them.

The reason I’m bringing up the Oscars right now is because I’m waiting for the results of Louise’s Oscar pool. Last year, I surprisingly won the pool so I’m hoping my 10/24 wins will fetch me the prize again this year. However, I didn’t put much thought into it so I wonder if I could have done better. For example, I picked Borat as the best adapted screenplay. Well, that was dumb. Was it because I had some hope that Sascha Baron Cohen would randomly appear accepting an Oscar? Definitely. 😉

All in all, I banked on Pan’s Labyrinth even before seeing it. Then Vero and I saw it last week and I had some doubts as to it winning a slew of Oscar’s. In the end, it did nab quite a few.

So who knows if I will win the pool this year…10/24 seems like a bad score, but when you’re playing against others, it may very well be the highest one.

*update* Wow, I forgot to mention Martin Scorsece’s win! How could I forget? In fact, how could it have taken this many years for Scorsece to win an Oscar? For those of you not in the know, let’s take a look at some of his finer films (in my opinion):

  • Taxi Driver
  • The Last Waltz!!!
  • Raging Bull
  • Goodfellas
  • Cape Fear
  • Casino
  • Gangs of New York

Bravo Mr. Scorsece.

One reply on “…and the Oscar Goes To Me?”

No such luck Mr. Palmer…

It should come as no surprise to you that you were once again defeated by the superior sex

Have a nice day 🙂

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