
Annnndd…I’m Out

First an election is called with…no real reason that I could see.

Now the news, not even a week in, focuses on a puffin.

Ladies and Gents, I’ll see you on October 15 when this all blows over.  This is moronic.  Farce.  I feel like I’m watching an SCTV skit.

4 replies on “Annnndd…I’m Out”

I agree, what’s a puffin?

Here’s my opinion on the election.

The conservatives are, according to the poles, in the lead – maybe enough for majority, maybe not.

Two major points to look at is the economy and the environment.

Firstly, the economy. Although the U.S. economy is in recession (this is probably debatable, but you can’t argue that the U.S. economy is not doing so well,) Canada still appears to be keeping afloat. Historically, a recession – or slow-down – in the U.S. economy is typically followed by a recession in Canada. Face it, the U.S. is such a economical force that whatever they suffer through eventually affects the rest of the world.

If the conservatives hold an election now, while the economy is still strong, they have the possibility of riding until the recession is over and call an election after Canada has recovered. Otherwise, the election could very well end up in the middle of a recession which would reduce drastically the chances of the conservatives coming in power.

Secondly, the conservatives are coming under attack by many environment organizations for their deficient environmental plans, specially when compared to the Green, Liberal and NDP’s plans. The environmental issue can only go in two directions, it will get worse, or it will get better.

The conservatives are banking on the chance that people are not as aware of environmental issues as they will be in two years time, or that the public doesn’t care that much at the moment. By holding an election now, the conservatives have a chance at redesigning their environmental tactic for the next elections.

So all in all, I think the conservatives are prepare for a couple of bad years ahead. If they don’t hold an election now, they will have to hold one in 2010 at the end of the four year term. This puts them at risk of being in an election during a recession and when Canadians see that they did nothing for the environment. However, if they hold an election now, when the polls show they are favored, they may be able to ride out the bad times and get a decent plan in the works for the environment (or the environmental issues will blow over.) This way, they could use the fact that they help Canada recover from these issues on their next campaign.

Oh, I’ll definitely vote. And let’s put the kidding aside, I’ll follow the election. It just seemed so…waste of time this time around. Maybe things will change.

Maybe someone shold pass a law so that a government does not call an election out of the blue just like that in order to get majority. Oh wait…

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