
Another Funny & TV Shows on DVD Part 2

Q: Why did Sheryl Crow leave Lance Armstrong?

A: She found someone that owned a car.


On a random other note, go to here and there are select Buy 1, get 1 free TV Series.

update: As per Ferda’s comment in this posting, I want to draw your attention to my previous posting about TV series on DVD here. Here I outline alternatives to purchasing TV shows on DVD.

Now, let’s put price aside for a moment. Clearly, with this Future Shop deal, it is most likely worthwhile to pick up a season or two.

But regardless of price, would you watch it? I cannot for the life of me seeing myself sitting somewhere in my house and saying “Man, I would love to watch an episode of Friends right now, I’m going to pop one in!”. It’s always more like “Man, what is on TV right now? Whoa whoa whoa, a Friends marathon?! I’m in!” and I am glued to the TV for hours.

This brings up a thought on TV shows on DVD (consider this Part 2)…maybe there are only certain shows which are better suited on DVD. I can think of the serialized dramas with cliffhangers at the end of every episode (24, Alias, Lost, etc.), but when it comes to the old sitcoms you love to watch…maybe not so much. If they weren’t already on reruns, then maybe it would be worthwhile. But if they are already somewhere on tv, then why bother?

Here’s another point – I bought the Thundercats Season 1 – Volume 1 about 3 months ago. I love Thundercats. It is my fave cartoon. I jumped at the chance to see it on DVD.

Have I watched them all? Heck no! Why not? I don’t feel the need to watch the next episode. I’m not hanging there thinking “Oh man, what’s going to happen to Clark Kent and Lex Luthor in the next episode?!” and pop it in and waste away an entire Sunday afternoon.

So I am updating my theories on TV Shows on DVDs. They may be worthwhile to purchase if you feel you can justify the price point (otherwise, look into the other alternatives in my ‘Devil in Me’ blog entry) but you also must actually WATCH the entire season. 😉

Here’s another random thought that I’ll touch upon in the future…what if you watch the entire season and you love it, but then you never watch it again? Serialized TV shows are not the highest in replayability factors, unlike sitcoms where you can think “Hey, I wanna see that Friends episode where Ross kisses Rachel, the 14th time!” MAYBE, in five years time I’ll want to watch an entire series again, but no time soon.

7 replies on “Another Funny & TV Shows on DVD Part 2”

you raise some good points Ryan but even shows like 24, Lost, Alias etc. Do you ever want to watch them over and over again once you’re done the series.

I love 24 but I don’t think I’ll ever feel the need to watch the seasons I’ve seen again.

We watch Futurama and Family Guys all the time though so those were definitely excellent investments. I can’t get enough esp. Futurama.

You raise good points.

So essentially:

If you want something for replay value, stick to sitcoms.

If you want something to just see (like 24…heck, or a movie for that matter!), just rent it or borrow it.

That’s an interesting comparison right there…serialized TV shows are just like one giant movie. Once you’ve seen it once, you’re good to go. Maybe in 10 years you’ll say “Man, I want to see 24 again. It was such a great 24 episode movie!”

I have a different take on all this… well somewhat.

I do agree that sitcoms have much more replay value than story arc series. You will rewatch the Simpsons, or Seinfeld many more time in your life than Alias or Lost. Does that mean you shouldn’t buy a drama?

I see beying a lost TV Show set like buying a book – a book that’ll take me more tha 20 hours to get through.

Hardcovers 30-40$.. How many times will I re-read the book.. maybe twice.. three times in my life if it’s really cool. I may lend the book to my parents or to a friend or trade it for another one to discover a new series.

I can’t make a case for buying vs. getting it for free off the net. You will definately come out saving alot. but is the experience the same? not to me.

I’m a guy that doesn’t go to the library – I prefer to buy a book. it would be cheaper to get a library card.

Same idea with DVD moviess. I prefer the experience of watching a movie at home to a theatre.

Ferda, if James id down with getting Seinfeld, my set for Season 1,2 is up for sale if you want it. mint condition. $42 and it’s yours. 🙂

The solution to this dilemma is simple. Buy the Buffy series on DVD. It has it all. Each episode contains a bad guy issue that is generally resolved at the end, but yet there is still the greater story arc that lasts the season. There is humour, drama and millions of great one liners. Buy it. It’s fabulous.

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