
Another Visitor

Uncle Johnny and Aunt Aggie were nice enough to bring my grandmother back into Ontario after a long summer down in Gaspé.  They stopped into Perth to visit Lynn and Sue so it was a great time to bring Sierra for a visit!

Nanny has held many babies in her lifetime as evidence by Sierra looking comfortable.

Actually, I take that back.  It looks like she is plotting her escape.

I’m loving the new gazebo.

Clearly I need to teach my daughter how to pose for pictures!

No matter, this one is better.

Two gals hanging out on the back porch.

I love Sierra’s expression in this one!

It was a fun afternoon with family but once I started seeing flashing in the distance (lightning), I knew it was time to hit the road.  I didn’t want us driving back in a monsoon.  Luckily the storm held off for the most part and if anything, it gave us a really interesting light show for the ride home!

Thanks for the lovely supper and company!