
Apple TV Thoughts

There have been rumours of Apple creating a high definition TV in the future.

Sure, it’s possible, but how are they going to make it DIFFERENT?

I think I stumbled onto a theory yesterday when I was interacting with my iTunes library via my iPad last night.

The iPad has a REMOTE application which allows you to see exactly what you see on your itunes library. So instead of taking my keyboard and mouse (caveat: my computer is hooked up to my television), I can grab my iPad, click on the REMOTE app and I see my iTunes library. I can control things like changing the song, putting up neat graphics on my tv screen, etc. The interface is super simple and it’s just so much easier using your finger on a screen than using a mouse. It’s intuitive.

Then it got me thinking about the Apple TV. What if Apple is going to release a TV with the iPad as a remote? You could either use your existing one, or perhaps for another $200 you could purchase the TV with the kickass remote control unit? Or maybe they will even go crazier and say “Buy the Apple TV and we throw in an iPad for free to use.” This could be possible considering the iPad mini concept starting to gain traction. Imagine a little iPad for you to use as a remote control? The possibilities are endless.

This would be television as we know it on its head. No longer would we be limited to rudimentary controls on the remote control to handle complex navigation (everyone remember setting a timer on a vcr? Imagine that as an application built into your iPad? I guess it would be similar to PVR right now.)