
April Fool’s Day!

I am kind of disappointed that I never really thought of anything great to do this April Fool’s Day (but the day is not over yet!).  Last year had the wonderfully planned out event of me appearing on Canadian Idol  and it got a lot of people.  My favourite person who got caught up in it was Carol who had proceeded to tell all her friends that I went to the auditions.  My name is probably known in Meaford, Ontario now (at least the female bouncer at the Royal Canadian Legion would know my name!)

I do recall a classic story of how my friend Regan was fooled into thinking he was late for school one day.  His father changed the clocks and ran into his room and screamed “You’re late for school!” and they were in a panic and then his dad had the last laugh as he told them they weren’t late at all.  I don’t know why that story remains in my head, but it’s a good one.

So I hope you can share your own April Fool’s stories here today!

8 replies on “April Fool’s Day!”

This late for school story reminds me of how my mom used to try to tell us every year on April Fool’s that school was cancelled because of a snowstorm. I think maybe we were fooled once when we were young and naive and then every year after that we were like “yeah yeah” and just got up and got ready for school anyway. Jaded at a young age. Ha ha.

My Dad has had some good April fools jokes in the past to play on his class.

They usually start the same way, where my Dad asks a usually disruptive kid in class to give him a hard time.
The first one after a kid had been unusually disruptive my Dad would get very angry and smash his hand down on a students desk (without a student in it) which he had previously sawed underneath to make it exceptionally weak.
The desk would crack in half, and the class would be in shock.

The other involves taking the unruly kid out in the hallway where the class cannot see, and pretending to get beat up by him (banging lockers etc.), and throwing himself back into the classroom with ketchup on the side of his mouth, telling the class to stay put then rushing back out the door.

That is by far the funniest thing I have ever heard of. HILARIOUS! I can’t believe your Dad does that…I want to be a teacher and do that.

I have two memorable moments that come to mind. The first is when I was in University we put green Jolly Ranchers in the showerheads so that when people were done taking a shower and dried off they would be all sticky and smell like apples. (For some reason it doesn’t actually smell like apples while showering)

The second (My Favourite) is when I convinced my brother that I had gotten into a bar fight, ended up in jail and needed him to send money to bail me out.

Oh man, that is an awesome one also! You should have totally played out the brother sending you money bit and bought some beer to share with him!

Once when I was in 7th grade, we put dead little fish (menows) in my teacher’s coffee cup. He actually took a sip of it before realizing. HA! I can still remember the look on his face! Me and 2 of my friends got punished badly afterwards… But it was worth it.

Also remember when my step mom put a huge paper fish in our sandwich for lunch and I actually ate it all without noticing. My sister asked me after school what color was my paper fish, and I was like: uh???

Today at school we told the kids that there were mice in the school. We told one class that their classroom had to be closed because of this and that their class had been moved to room 257. The kids did not know the rooms only went to 255. When they got back their teacher (in on the prank) gave them shit for being late. Kids are not the brightest these days.

I never realized that there were so many amazing April Foolery going on!

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