
Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?

I’m not one for the new fangled TV game shows but when I stumbled upon this gem, I figured I should tune in. I told myself “Self, no matter how bad it is, keep watching so you can give a good review to your faithful readers.”

After trying to change the channel 32 times, I managed to watch the entire episode and have to say that I cringed. I CRINGED. It is an awful, awful show for the sheer dumbness which was Latisha.

My favourite question that she got wrong is the following:

Question: What country has the longest border ajoining to the USA?

Latisha: OH Man, this is a tough one. Hmm, well, argh…hmmm…well there are two countries, Mexico and Canada. I’m thinking Canada, no wait…Mexico because I keep hearing about the border all the time. Yeah, that’s a good call…Mexico must have the longest border. Final Answer.


Anyhow, I think I’m a little dumber after watching the show. Don’t waste your time. REALLY. This is a Public Service Announcement for your Health.

5 replies on “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?”

I agree with you Ryan, the concept of the show in kinda cool, but the layout is lousy…and their contestant was dumb….don’t think i’ll be sitting by the tv waiting for it to come on, that’s for sure

I think it’s HILARIOUS!!! Honestly, who doesn’t like to laugh at the game show contestant, watch them fumble between Canada and Mexico for which shares the longest border with the US, or get all frustrated when it comes to multiplying 5 by 2… IT’s just too funny, and it raises the question ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER??

Plus, some of the questions are about less practical, less common information that you would never use in everyday life and it’s not always as obvious as one might think.

I thought it was kind of retarded but cool in the same breath. Alex and I saw the end last night and it kept us watching it til the end so can’t be that bad. I agree with Sammy, that it is questions that you may not use in everyday life but took in say 5th grade. So…. it is kind of neat in a way!

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