
Aunt Lois

Before I start, can I just say that I don’t have a picture of Aunt Lois anywhere in digital land? I was going to attach it but alas, there is nothing, so I stuck it out with an amazing picture of myself grilling a grilled cheese. Can you have a grilled cheese without a pickle? I think not.

Anyhow, today, Aunt Lois and Uncle Gary go under the knife for surgery. Around 1PM I believe. Now, I’m trying to rack my brain to figure out what Aunt Lois is going in for…let me consult some other websites on the subject…ah yes.

“Aunt Lois has a ‘rare hereditary blood disease Aceruloplasmenemia’. This blood disease causes an Iron Overload in her blood stream and was depositing Iron on to her internal organs. Treatment has now seemed to stabalized her, but the iron is still prevalent within her blood stream as she does not have enough of the blood product Ceruloplasmin to mobilize the iron within her body. Treatment includes regular blood plasma that contain a higher than normal concentration of the product Ceruloplasmin and the occasion removal of blood.

A few years ago, however, Lois developed another rare disease called Rapidly Aggressive Crescentic Glomerulonephritis, which caused her kidney’s to start to fail. Well, to make a long story short her kidney condition digressed to the state where she had to go onto dialysis in April, 2006. A year or so ago, it was determined that Lois would need a kidney transplant eventually, and as a result the hunt was on, so to speak.”

Well, Uncle Gary stepped up to the plate for the woman he loves and offered up his kidney. Now, I asked Mom what it meant to give up your kidney other than the fact that you’re giving up a piece of your body. Essentially, things are good to go in the both of them, it’s just the fact that the extra kidney is a backup. If I’m way off on this analysis, feel free to grill me Gary!

So that’s that…they are finally getting a chance to go into surgery today which must be a mind trip and a half. I can’t say that I’ve ever had major surgery so I don’t know how I would feel in the situation. I would like to think that I would be the calm and collected Palmer that you all know and that I would be cracking jokes with the surgeon (unless his name was Dr. Nick). So I’m hoping that the spirits are high today going into the operation and that you are both looking forward to some copious amounts of jell-o.

Now, Aunt Lois is the cats meow in terms of Aunts. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this before, but she was the one that would bring me to the comic book store while visiting and wait patiently. That’s some serious Aunt-power right there. I can imagine that I will have learned this power when I become an uncle. As for Gary, he is also the cats meow for coming through (and also trying to spearhead a Christmas light competition! Perhaps next year. I will hit up the Boxing Day sales for a Griswald-like purchase.) for Aunt Lois (and heck, the rest of the family while we’re at it) so I send my heartfelt thanks to you Gary.

I invite Aunt Lois and Gary to swing a post-surgery blog entry our way to see how the whole thing went! We want the sordid details like:

  • What type of ice cream did they serve?
  • Are the nurses of high calibre?
  • Did you see any ER type moments happening around you?

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