
Rant: People Burning You

Vero has competed in Improv games since in high school. Improv is like “Whose Line is it Anyways?” for all the English folk out there. The Francophone community definitely knows what improv is.

She did not participate in the past year due to other obligations, but a few weeks ago her old team asked if she could take part in the semi-finals since a girl dropped out. Plus, she kicks ass and would guarantee a spot in the Finals. She’s great.

So the semi-finals were last night and they were getting ready and the girl who dropped out comes back and they end up taking her back onto the team – leaving Vero in the dust.

Then the guilt sets in of course and they say stuff like “Don’t worry, we’ll bring you into the Finals with us!” and “We’ll make sure your name is on the cup!”

//begin rant
What the hell man? This is a classic case of Nice People Getting Screwed. Here is helpful Vero taking time out of her night to do something she’s really excited to do, and then she gets thrown to the wayside.

If I was in the team, I would have said “You know what? You bailed on us and we had to get a replacement. We appreciate that you’re back, but why don’t you sit this one out and when we get to the Finals you can come on back.”

Or, in a less polite manner “You vermin, get bent.”

In the end, Vero gets screwed and nice people shouldn’t get screwed. I especially like how the team said “Yeah, come on back for the Finals!”. Right…so she can just not play in the games again?

Word to the asses of the world: If you’re going to be an ass anyhow, don’t feel guilty about it. Step up like a man (or whoa-man), say you’re sorry and end it like that. No one needs to hear your pitiful speech. It just makes people laugh at you.
//end rant


The Strokes – Ottawa

The Strokes are coming to town!!! Let me know if you’re interested in tickets! They go on sale at 2PM on Saturday. $35 I believe.

Show is May 9.

I’d like to throw a ‘heck yeah’ out to my buddy Joe who is a good friend. One of the reasons is that he and I can change plans on a dime and it doesn’t really piss each of us off. It’s not often that you meet someone who would be pissed if you changed plans at the last minute. We see the goodness in our change of plans…it involves the both of us doing something together…who cares what it is?


OLP – Massey Hall Performance

I’m in luck today! Linda managed to tape the OLP show that was being aired on Rogers for me. For all of those who are keeping track, it was the show that Vero and I won tickets to back in the Fall of ’05.

I am disappointed to hear that it’s only an hour long and is intermixed with interviews. Also known as NOT THE FULL CONCERT! I heard they even cut out the scene where Raine Maida climbs up on the balcony.

Ah well. It’ll still be cool to see some songs from the setlist!


Going to See Sammy

I managed to snag some tickets to see Sam Roberts on April 21 here at the New Capital Music Hall. I am stoked. Tickets were only $10.69 for the first 100 to purchase them. Awesome! You can’t go wrong with that price! Those 100 tickets sold out in 10 minutes (unfortunately for Carrie who missed the train by a minute).

What can I say about S.Roberts? His new album comes out on April 11. A concert 10 days after that. I cannot go wrong.

In other news, I’m learning You are My Sunshine on guitar as my Nanny’s birthday party is coming up. I was having trouble finding an authoritative source on how this should sound but it looks like it’s an old folk song (from what I can tell at least…let me know if I’m wrong and I can find THE source.) Found some old Johnny Cash covers that maybe I’ll work with.

Or, maybe I”ll just throw some Palmer spin into it and sample some Beastie Boys along with it.


Stream of Consciousme

  • Just saw V for Vendetta. By the Wachowski Bros. Or is it Bro and Sis now? Who knows? Sex-change rumours and all. Excellent flick. I’m just going to ramble on for the rest of this entry. Two minutes ago I felt like writing nothing. Now I’m going to spew out everything.
  • Movie was amazing. What amazes me more? The poster. Vintage-like. I’m listening to the Chill genre on iTunes right now. I’m digging it. Time to wind down the night. The Orleans Rec Complex has swimming at 9:00 at night. No way am I ready to swim like a madman at 9:00 at night. I like chilling. Right now I’m just writing whatever comes to my mind. This will be an interesting catch up post.
  • I haven’t been able to post pictures on the blog entries for awhile during my break at work. Have no idea why not. Also, looks like there may be an issue with accessibility to the Blog now via work. Will have to look into it. Benoit had the same issue on Friday but said he could create entries, just not edit them.
  • Was sick today as I was since Thursday. I figured a day off would help me out.
  • I have started scanning my parent’s photo albums. It is a very long process. First, scan the page – not the individual photos, that’s just crazy. Scan the entire page. Then, crop the photos out of the page – let’s say there are 4 in a page. I then have to crop one, then go save it, then revert to the original image and crop the remaining 4. Now that I think of it, it may not be that time consuming to take the photos out and scan them that way. Only problem with that will be the ones from the 70s where they actually stick to the pages. I’m not going to attempt to take those out.
  • I like when I have a MASSIVE blog entry that has myriad paths of dictation that no one can really comment on it. Comments are cool. Everyone likes to write to see what people will say. At least that’s what Trish does. It would be interesting to see what she REALLY writes about. You know what I’m talking about. Everyone should have two blogs. One for the outside world to see, one for the inside world to see. But why should we shelter ourselves? Are we scared to be who we are for everyone to see? Perhaps that’s the first step in songwriting…letting go. Not giving a care what your song may sound like.
  • Mental note: Get a dictophone. Sam Roberts was talking about how he couldn’t remember a melody he would come up minutes later so he just hums into the dictophone. I need one of those.
  • I had my oral French exam on Thursday. I received a B Level. I am pretty happy with that. Now I get an extra $800 a year as a bonus because they like bilinguals.
  • I had my PM-03 interview on Friday afternoon. I don’t think it went well. I believe it was a combination of it being St. Patrick’s Day, it was 2:30 on a Friday afternoon and I felt like 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag that day due to my cold. I will refrain from talking about the interview specifically as some people from work may read this blog.
  • I went to see Coldplay on Friday. Perhaps I will write more later on this. All I have to say is that it was magical. It was one of those moments where you lose yourself in the moment and when you hear the words ‘Goodnight’, you realize 90 minutes flew by you. I LOVE those moments. Perhaps that’s what I love about music. It’s an exciting feeling to just lose yourself in something. But I don’t condone drugs people. Come on! Now that I think of it…I wonder if that’s what alcohol is all about…you just lose yourself sometimes in the moment and just have a good time with friends. Anyhow, the stage production was amazing, the music even better…I am glad they will be filming a DVD in Toronto in a few days which will basically mimic the Ottawa show. They are said to be the successors of U2. I can believe it.
  • Helped Carrie move in with Alex on Saturday. A welcome surprise was seeing Philipp as I guess I didn’t catch the fact that he was coming into town. The morning started off crappy with the cold hitting me at an all time high, but we helped her move…not much stuff to move…went to the Newport for some Montreal styled pizza – that’s tomato sauce, cheese, pickles, smoked meat and mustard people. It sounds gross but it is amazing!
  • The night brought me to see Vero in a play. I saw Butch beforehand which was a hilarious play about a truck driver who picks up two people. Then Facteur Humain came on and I enjoyed it. It was interesting to see what the play was about since I had only helped Vero rehearse her lines so I didn’t see the other scenes of the play. I had a good time and I’ve learned that it is rude to sit in the far back corner. Always try and find a seat in the centre people!
  • Went to the Heart and Crown with Mike, Vero and Philipp that night to see Fortune’s Hand. There’s a new guitarist…can’t say I’m that impressed. I think Fortune’s Hand has lost some magic with losing Kevin. He was the essence of ROCK. Much like my long hair…which has now been chopped off by Vero. That’s right, I let Vero cut my hair. She has been cutting her own her for 10 years so I figured she knows what she is doing. Although I was regretting cutting my rocking locks before a Fortune’s Hand concert, I am really digging it today. I don’t even have to put anything in my hair and it looks great. I guess I haven’t been telling the barber anything good over the years. I love Vero and I love what she does to my hair. I should get her a new pair of scissors though.
  • A massive brawl broke out behind us at the end of the night at the H&C. Perhaps it was the superhero in me, but I tried to stop it but was promptly thrown out of the way by four bouncers who had a hard time tearing it up. I got knocked in the mouth at the time but it was more like someone brushed into me really hard. It was sore for a minute but was fine after. I was going to do my classic free beer move where you go to the bartender and let them know that you lost a beer during the fight, but it was 2:00 and time to go. Went for some Marroush Schwarma (new location on Dalhousie and Rideau!!!) and that was good times. I find it funny how we ended up at the H&C considering none of us really wanted to go out. I think it’s due time that we all fess up to our true feelings after a long hard day of moving furniture and sit and relax for the rest of the night. 😉
  • Helped Alex out on Sunday with putting some supports up for the floors in the house and also worked on some drywall. Matt came by after awhile – good to see him as I haven’t seen him in awhile and his blog is tres lame lately. I know he tried AWHILE ago before any of us caught on and then he was big into it for awhile because of us, but I can see that he doesn’t have a true blogger spirit in him or else he would be there every day. Speaking of a true blogger spirit, I suppose I must have it considering the amount I’ve just written.
  • Zero 7 has come on the Chill setting. Check out this band. Amazing stuff. Was introduced via Garden State.
  • Speaking about Alex, he brought me to this great schwarma joint in South Keys – Mango’s. Supposedly it is famous…I can see why. Get the tropical fruit cup when you’re there. It is divine.
  • I still can’t get over how good V for Vendetta was. Joe and Mike enjoyed it also. I feel like watching the Matrix now.
  • I’ve decided that I cannot go to the Calgary Stampede to see Kevin and Kathleen this year as I will be taking class during the summer. Then I started thinking of the next three years of night class. Does this mean I won’t be able to take ANY vacation? What about the Southern Eurotrip 2007? Hmm…I may have to reconsider this whole vacation in the summer thing. The way it works is that you have compressed courses: From May – June 2 three hour classes a week and you’re done a course. Then one from July – August. So I suppose I could just opt to take one course and then I would have two months off. Hey, there’s an idea I’ll have to look into. So far, there’s a few trips on the horizon – Sault Ste. Marie on the Labour Day weekend for a wedding, Lumberjack Festival (maybe? Parents won’t be there…), and Katie’s cottage weekend for sure.
  • Want to hear a gripe? Weddings on long weekends. Sure sure, it’s all nice for people who have to travel from out of town…but you know what? Even if you were getting married on a Wednesday, I would still come. So why take away my long weekend? I only get a few a year and now I have to have some magical time vanish for wedding weekend. I suppose I don’t really mind or else I would just not go to a wedding, but still. Come on folks. Stop having a wedding on long weekends.
  • Sam Roberts is coming to town. Tickets are $10.69. I would pay $100 to see Sammy and les boys. I think everyone who reads this blog should fork out the $10.69 and come see them Friday, April 21st. Surprisingly, Duncan and Dave saw them last year at Carleton and thought they sucked. I suppose everyone has their differences.
  • Now that you’ve wasted 15 minutes reading this blog entry, I bid you good night. It’s time to hit the sack to kill this cold.
  • Here’s a random photo of Robyn and I on Graduation Day from Algonquin College. Don’t know if she ever got a copy of these photos so I figure this may be the first time she sees them.

Photo o’ Day: A Whole Lotta Fun

Originally uploaded by palm0014.



My cousin-in-law’s father has created something of genius and is now available to the mass market.

Take a look at this garden that you can have inside your house!


Review: Les Boys

In preparation of my French oral examination today (I got a B by the way!), Eric and Mike treated me to the film Les Boys, which is essentially the french equivalent to Slapshot.

It was awesome. I didn’t catch every nuance but I would have to say that I may have enjoyed it more than Slapshot. Speaking about Slapshot, Vero told me that the French overdubbed version is better than the English version just because of the sheer hilarity of it.

Les Boys follows an amateur hockey league somewhere in Quebec (maybe in Montreal) and the lives of all the different players. The manager gets into some financial trouble and the team has to help him out by winning a hockey game.

My favourite line in the movie is when Sonia is on top of Mario in a van and says:
Sonia: “You know this is a team effort, right?”
Mario:”Sorry, this is my first time.”
Sonia:”This is your first time with a woman?”
Mario:”No, it’s my first time missing a hockey game!”


Check out this film. Even if you have to put the English sub-titles on. This is a piece of Franco history.


Make Your Mark!

Do yourselves a favour and label your recycling bins with your name or your house number!

Yesterday was so windy that my recycling bin was nowhere in sight. A few houses down I noticed one that could very well be mine but it was at the end of his driveway.

I was thinking of taking it but his kids were looking out the window at me. I didn’t want to accidentally steal the neighbour’s recycling box (heck, I haven’t even met these neighbours yet!) so I left it there.

But now I am out of a box.

On another note, when I got up this morning, in its place was an older recycling bin. Perhaps the neighbour upgraded and is offering me the old one?


An Apology to My Dearest Friend

An Ode To Carrie
(and not to that dude called Larry)

You drink beer like no other
You love me like a brother
The Heart and Crown is not the same
When I don’t hear you calling my name
We’ve drank so much that it’s killed our liver
But that’s the way it is in life of ‘Just Give’r’
I’m sorry that I missed your birthday
Because I definitely would have made you pay!

Happy Birthday Carrie!