
Back to the Days of Slumber

Christmas Eve brought forth the standard fare of wrapping gifts when the clock is ticking. We ended up running out of nametags so I had to resort to the old tried and true method of sticking a piece of paper onto it with someone’s name on it.

Church was fine and I would like to mention that Krista and I got a shout out for being some fine servers back in the day and how St. Mark’s wished that we could find jobs in town so we could come back and serve. Let it be said here that if I ever came into some money, I would hire the church a server.

I headed over to the Townsons for an excellent feast as well as some drinks and National Lampoon’s. The Losiers came over as well as my old manager at Wal-Mart (along with his family) and we laughed at some good stories as well as our favourite parts of the film. Thanks to the Townsons for hosting yet another smashing event!

I then headed over to the Konopelkys with drink in hand and finished off the night there before heading home with my family.

The next morning I awoke from my slumber to find a stocking thrown at my face. All I know is I peeked into it and noticed the words lose flab. I groaned and turned over. No magazine should say those words on Christmas morning!

After some excellent breakfast from Mom, we headed downstairs to start opening the gifts.


  • Mom yelling at Dad for opening up one of my gifts (it was an excellent book called Run of the Town by Terrence West. He comes from Hearst and lives now in Ottawa where he has written stories about his youth in a small Northern town.) Anyhow I had picked this gift up for Dad but we didn’t realize that Mom and Dad had also picked it up for me so Mom thought Dad had opened up my gift! Ha ha. We had a good laugh and I added “Quel surprise!” when I opened up my own copy.
  • Maureen got me some excellent Christmas tree ornaments in the form of some characters from A Christmas Story as well as a very original gift in the form of a gift certificate to Ticketmaster to help out with all my concerts. Neat-o!
  • I also got some excellent gifts from Nannies (Thanks!) as well as some other great gifts such as a work bench and some great books/DVDs.

The Konopelkys came over for an early lunch where we watched some Christmas specials on TV, had some great grub and lazed around until the nighttime. Unfortunately, Dad wasn’t feeling too good again so he had to lie down for awhile. Hopefully it wasn’t the turkey which did it!