
Band of Brothers

I just started watching the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers. This is pretty good series so far. Follows “Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, U.S. 101st Airborne Division” (taken from the beloved

I like the cinematography of the series so far – looks like the camera operators were in the trenchs with them documenting the series of events. Considering Tom Hanks and Steven Spielburg produced this…I’m thinking this came about after making Saving Private Ryan?

Mike and I just watched Episode #2 last night which really got into the action. Some of the stuff that goes on is just heart-wrenching. Sometimes I wonder if any of it really happened. It’s a little surreal to think about the World Wars and what was going on. I applaud anyone who served our country in the past and present, and heck, why not the future too!

One of the scenes that really got to me was when Easy Company were walking by some POWs and Malarkey made some snide comment but one of the POW replied in English. Turns out that the guy is actually from the United States from a town very close to Malarkey’s hometown but because his parents immigrated, there was a call to ‘return to the Fatherland’ to fight. So here he is, a man born and bred in the States that has to go fight for the opposite side. Then, he gets killed. Dang. That really hit me. I never even fathomed that stuff like this happened. Granted, some of you are probably history buffs and know a heck of a lot more than me about this stuff. I can’t say I’m that big of a history/war buff, but I like my occasional dose of it.

Anyhow, Mike was saying how his friend actually filmed veterans while working at Veteran Affairs so I’m going to take a look into what it takes to get an interview. Troy had me intrigued with his thoughts of interviewing Uncle Billy someday about his memories of the war.

6 replies on “Band of Brothers”

I also watched this whole series in the span of about a month last year. Absolutely amazing!
I would watch it again without any hesitation. I especially like the scenes with the veterans speaking. It is based on true stories, taken fom journals, letters and those survivors’ testimonials.
I truly feel this type of thing should be mandatory viewing for generations to come. How else are we going to keep these atrocities from happening again??

I loved the Series the first and the second times that I saw it!

If you likes this then you’ll like Saving Private Ryan as well

A great series!! Have watched it many times over, and being a WWII buff, they kept it true to history. Makes me want to pursue talking to Uncle Billy more and more about his experiences (still not sure about that though).

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