
Beaus Oktoberfest 2012


Beaus Oktoberfest 2012 was the highlight of my autumn. The weather was gorgeous for the first time ever which made the beers flow. Too bad they flowed a little too much for me and I left the grounds a broken man! But no worries, the road leading up to it was fantastic.

First stop was the brewery so I could pile the trunk full of beer. I got a few jugs of the Nightmarzen (my fave seasonal choice) as well as a sixer of select Wild Oats. I especially enjoyed the artwork of Dark Helmut so I decided to pick up a poster as well! Let us not forget the Oktoberfest mug. It was ceramic this year (not unlike last year). I have to say, I really enjoy my glass mug from two years ago more than the ceramic ones.

Guillaume, Andreane, Vero and I donned our Oktoberfest hats and entered the fairgrounds. We stumbled into Maren, Allan-Paul, Whitney and Christian whom we chatted with for a few minutes before heading off to get some beer tokens and check out the keg toss. The keg toss is always a fan-favourite activity to watch as they have both women/men divisions in the distance and vertical distance challenge!

Mike and Rachel showed up later in the afternoon as well as Krista, Jill, Ryan and Julie. There were tons of people I saw throughout the day, including Martin and Vero who turned out to be the stars of the event!

There were people getting their head shaved for cancer. Martin decided to trade in his Tarzan locks for a Professor Xavier look. I went up on stage with him to hold/feed him beer while he got his head shaved off. Kudos to Martin for doing this! I believe we raised $300 from the crowd to go through with it. Then, when it was all done, they asked for other volunteers and his girlfriend Vero jumped up on stage and said she would do it! Incredible! In the end, I believe we got $200 for her hair and they both can keep each other warm during the winter months. Two large thumbs up for the both of them.

The night descended into an evening of beer and more beer and before you knew it, I was back home after my lovely wife dragged my ass out of there. Mental note for next year: These are not 5% beers you are drinking!

Best Oktoberfest yet. For those of you who have not been yet, what are you waiting for?