
Behold, The Music!

Troy unlocked the Pandora’s Box for me a few nights ago when showing me how major keys in music work and what chords sound good together.

In some ways, it is some information that I knew along (ie, what chords sound good together), but never realized there’s an actual science/math reason behind it.

With this, I wrote a song in honour of Stompin’ Tom the other night which is a great tribute to the legend. After reading his biography as well as a biography on the Beatles, I realized that music isn’t supposed to be all serious-like. It’s about writing about anything you want, like the gum stuck to the bottom of the shoe!

Now that the knowledge in my head has increased, I anticipate quite a few new songs coming out of my head.

Thanks to you Troy! You don’t know what you’ve released.

3 replies on “Behold, The Music!”

Stompin Tom has said that it’s not that he’s the best songwriter, and that he’s not the best singer and he’s not the best … whatever…
But it’s the whole package that works so well.

It’s your whole act – the way you “brand” yourself.
In my opinion it matters how you treat your audience, how you hold youreself, what your values are.

Knowledge is power!!! You still have to be creative enough to know how to use it though. I’m expecting some big things…..we’ll soon be recording together!!

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