
B(ike)log: April 14, 2009

View April 14, 2009 Bike Trip in a larger map

Notes for Future Me:
– Bring water you fool!
– Eat a little something before heading out you fool!
– Wall Road does in fact cut across to Trim Road so you can take that to save some time
– Time: 4:45 – 6:00 (minus 5 minutes in Future Shop); 20 km trip.
– Thoughts: I thought it was a shorter distance than 20 km which is why I was kicking myself for not having much energy.  Winds were high and against me for majority of trip down Navan Rd and Trim Rd.  20kms in 70 minutes…not too bad for a first run out for the year.
– Thoughts on Roads: Innes is great with their bike lane and smooth pavement.  Mer Bleue is quite rough and no shoulder.  Navan Road a little less rough but still no shoulder in most parts.  Trim Road the same.  Mostly level except for one little hill on Trim Road.