

Not every photo should be all smiles.  This is how Sierra generally feels about tummy time.

I had a great birthday which was spent going to work where they showered me with beef jerky at a team meeting.  Best gift ever!  My friends did grace me with their presence for our daily walk around the Ottawa bridge.  Here is some photos of what I get to look at each day at lunch hour.

View of Parliament from the Eddy bridge.

I wasn’t too sure what these were doing on the bridge.  It may be a protest of some sort concerning the land around Hull that is being used for new condominiums.

A view of the Eddy bridge from the Portage bridge.  I generally do a loop of walking both bridges.

The evening was spent with two ladies who are important in my life.  Sierra didn’t really catch onto the concept of unwrapping gifts so I decided to leave her in the dust and unwrap them myself.

Troy has mailed me a very large package a few weeks back and if people know me, they know that I don’t open gifts until my birthday.  For weeks I stared a giant flat cardboard box thinking it must have been a rock concert poster of some sort.  Lo and behold, I was completely wrong and it turned out to be a life size cardboard cutout of Darth Vader!

Definitely one of the best gifts I have ever received!  Thanks Troy and Connie!  I tried putting it in different rooms around the house to figure out where to station him.  Vero was NOT impressed when she found it in the nursery in the middle of the night.  It gave her quite the fright!

Sierra, I am NOT your father.

Best babysitter ever.

A few days after my birthday, I took the Friday off so we could go out to the Library and Archives Canadian comic book exhibit called ‘Alter-Ego’.  I have been getting into Canadian comic books for the past few years thanks to the work of people like Hope Nicholson and Rachel Richey who have worked at republishing older Canadian comic books via Kickstarter.  It’s an interesting side to comic books that I had never been introduced to and I’m really thankful for anyone involved with bringing these comics back to life!

Sierra getting ready for her first comic book excursion!

The exhibit took a look at all aspects of Canadian comic books…whether it was actual comic books being published in Canada, to the writers and artists from Canada who work in the industry.  It was a decent exhibit however I have to say that I had made it out to be larger in my mind.  I was expecting to see at least a few real pages of Nelvana or Brock Windsor in behind a glass case or something but that didn’t happen.  I still think everyone should go before it closes at the end of the summer and you can enjoy getting dressed up in superhero garb!

Jennie, Trish, Benoit and Vero choosing which superhero they wanted to be.

Here are three typical Canadian superheroes.





It was a hot day out so we decided to head to Les 3 Brasseures after the exhibit for a few pints.  It was my first time there and I quite enjoyed it.  Especially the pretzel!

Trish and Sierra wondering why Dad is such a ham.

It was also one of the first times Sierra was coming out into the public.  I have to say Les 3 Brasseures was a decent place to do so because it’s so loud in there that if Sierra made some noises, you couldn’t really even hear anything over all the noise.  Plus, it was my first time changing her in public and the changing station in the washroom was pretty easy to operate.  I’m glad the waitress managed to tell me where it was as I was walking upstairs to change her in the mens washroom but she pointed out that the changing station was in the handicapped washroom on the main floor.

Thanks to all who came out for the birthday celebration!  I am now on the hunt for a new audio interface to record some music with my new condenser microphone that Vero and Sierra picked up for me.  I’m stoked!  Merci bibs!