
Blast from the Past – The Theatre Prom

Friday night brought me out of my hibernation from exam studying (read: exam procrastination) and brought me to the Theatre Prom! That’s right, let’s flash back a decade to my other prom where my date to be ditched me with a few days to spare. Boo hiss! Ah well, such is life and did it really matter? No, because last Friday night’s prom was THE event to be at!

The prom was mod-themed so I had to scramble on Thursday night to forth and find some mod worthy clothing. I did some extensive research on the Internet (thank you Wikipedia!) as well as go through the thoughts of some friends. I decided to go as the classic mod style – the 60s shirt and tie combo with a touch of pizazzz with my hat from yesteryear.

I stumbled upon an Oxford cut shirt at the Gap of all places which had a picture in their window of exactly what I was looking to become. But when I went in there, they said they did not sell ties! What kind of false advertising is that?! If it’s on a picture in your front window, you should be selling it fools!

Anyhow, the shirt was bought and I scoured the mall but no ties were to be found. I was on the hunt for an obscure tie – a black, skinny one. The next day I found it (along with another snazzy blue one…always needed a blue tie) at The Tie Rack.

Friday night arrives, I dress to the nines and head on out to pick up Vero. Good thing I brought a book as she ended up getting off of work a bit late. No worries though, we’ve got plenty of time to spare! Or do we? Hmm…the fact that they are serving supper starts to concern the both of us as we are heading there 1.5 hours after they opened the doors.

We head to the Capital Music Hall (home of many bands that we’ve seen) and head into this room which is straight out of the television shows/movies which involve proms! They had their light shows going around, they had a dark ambiance, they had tables full of people dressed up in all styles imaginable (I noticed that I could have dressed up psychedelic-like which would have been a good alternative!) but there was no punch bowl to spike. Wha??? What’s going on here?!

We find our friends seated right in front of the stage (natch) and talk for a few moments before heading to the buffet table. Unfortunately, the supper bit the big one as the veggies were still hard. That’s a good indication that if you take a chance on the chicken, you may be dancing the funky chicken later that night. After scarfing it down, they cleared the tables away to make way for the band.

I am pretty excited to have a band at the prom as 90% of the places you go to party nowadays have no live music. It’s a thing of yesteryear. I think live music needs to make a comeback! I’m not talking about the live music that I tend to go to – some good rock concerts here and there. I’m talking about some live music that makes you want to dance! Where there is crowd interaction! Where the room moves with the music! There was this one couple who had some great swing dancing skills where I commented that there really isn’t anywhere to show off these skills in this day in age. Maybe your own living room?

The band looked pretty good upon stepping onto the stage – they had a brass section and all the other goodies which make a good rocking band. They started off the night with Fleetwood Mac’s Go Your Own Way which is now forever stuck in my head to the point where I learned it on guitar last night. They also stated “If you don’t know this song, you don’t deserve to be here!” after every second song as they pulling out the classic rock hits.

Hit after hit kept coming and the crowd was having a great time. Pulling out the dance moves of yesteryear, I was surprised that Vero and I did not have a dance-off again that night (as it is common when there is a giant space to pull out our killer moves.) I am looking forward to beating Vero at the dance-off the next time around as she creamed me at Jason’s wedding last summer. However, my claim to fame is that I did the power slide across the dance floor and ended up burning a hole in my pants. No joke. They melted. It was pure rock running through my blood.

Unfortunately the band was only there for an hour and then a regular DJ came out (who was awesome by the way. He was having the time of his life up on stage.) and we danced the night away. It was bloody humid in that joint and soon the hat, tie and shirt became a disarray (as so often happens when one wears a tie and the beers are flowing) but in the end, the night was a stellar event.

To all of those who knock going to proms after your high school one, don’t! There’s not as much hype towards the event which allows you to have an all-around good time (other than the food. Blech). At least I ended off the night getting a slice from Johnny’s Pizza. That is some good pizza if you’ve never had it. It’s on Laurier. Check it out.