
Blog Ketchup

  • Baby Desgroseilliers actually has a name now and it is Philippe.
  • Held my first baby the other day. Pretty cool. It moved around a whole lot.
  • Meeting up with Holly ended in disaster. She somehow didn’t hear me say that we’ll meet at the Tim Horton’s in Deep River, but instead, thought I had said “Deep River” and that’s it. Hence, we waited in town for each other for 20 minutes and we were 100 meters apart as she figured she would wait at the Subway. We ended up meeting at the Mr. Gas in North Bay where Holly blew a gasket. 😉

One reply on “Blog Ketchup”

Well I will throw out a challege to a certain someone that has promised to vist me in Brockville and hasn’t done so yet in the three years that I’ve lived there!

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