
Burning some wood

So over the past six years, I have amassed A LOT of brush to burn at the campfire.  In my head I thought “Oh hey, I’ll just throw this stuff near the campfire and get around to burning it.”

When you offer a guest the option of a campfire vs. a hot tub, the campfire tends not to get used as much as one would think!  I then end up with a giant fire hazard of branches and twigs sitting two feet from my campfire.

I decided enough was enough and started to burn the brush.  I have to say after three afternoons of campfires, it’s down to quite a manageable size!

Rob, Janice and Jenna came over to hang out for the afternoon which was welcome.  It was a beauty day.

My two helpers.

Jan loves this kid so much that I’m pretty sure if she goes missing one night, we’ll know where she ends up!

Some photos are awesome.  This is one of them!