
Canon Camera Recall

IMG_4295, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Back in 2003, I had this really great digicam; the Canon Powershot A60. I loved this thing. It took such nice pictures and it had this great feature where it could panoramic shots.

The problem was that something went wonky inside it and images came out randomly distorted. The picture within this post demonstrates what would happen (in fact, we both were smiling in this photo originally! How did they make us look like devils! The camera is possessed! How did we get those goofy looking hats?). I sent it in for repairs and it came back but nothing really was fixed and then the shutter broke on it and voila, it was rendered useless so I bought another camera.

Fast forward to last night when I’m chatting with Dad about how their camera was acting up in the same manner and I knew this would happen as all the Powershots seemed to be doing the same thing. I have a few friends who bought the same type (or future model) of the camera and they all went wonky.

Turns out that around 2005/06, there was a recall issued for the CCD (which is the image sensor inside digicams) and they would replace it for free. Bonus! Dad sent his in and I shall send mine in as well. Now I get a bonus camera!

Here‘s some information for you in case you have a Canon camera which is acting up in the same manner.

iplaying: Ada – The National (Boxer)