Concert Reviews Uncategorized

Review: Wintersleep at Bronson Centre

Print-out tickets from home are a lot lamer as a collectible compared to an actual ticket stub!

Wintersleep never disappoints!

Opening Band: Caveboy who did a great cover of Whitney Houston’s ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody”

Thoughts of the show:

It’s pretty cool when you go to a show and they have CDs and vinyl available from their new album a week before the release date to everyone else.

– I managed to grab a poster at the end of the night.  I think Spectrasonic prints off a few posters that they use to hang up around town for the fans?

– Caveboy was a fun opening band.

– Wintersleep played a lot of new songs during this concert which I hadn’t heard before.  It definitely seems like their new album will be a lot more low-key than other albums.  A lot of acoustic guitar being played by Paul Murphy.

– Loel Campbell is a beast on drums.  In fact, I would put him in the Top 3 current drummers out there.  I sometimes wonder if the band sets an encore of Laser Beams, Orca and Nerves Normal, Breath Normal to see if they can punish him!

– Met up with Kelly who was excited to see Wintersleep play live for the first time.  She was impressed.

– I’ve seen Wintersleep six times now over the past nine years and they still are one of my favourites to check out live.


Into the Shape of Your Heart
Soft Focus
More Than
Never Let You Go
Forest Fire
Santa Fe
Dead Letter & The Infinite Yes
Weighty Ghost
Waves / Lighthouse
Miasmal Smoke & The Yellow Bellied Freaks

Laser Beams
Nerves Normal, Breath Normal

Concert Reviews

Review: Royal Canoe at the 27 Club


Didn’t these guys have two drummers a year ago?

Thoughts of the show:

Etienne, Mina, Chanelle and I went out to this show as part of our Magical Musical Mystery Event; an auction item we offer up from time to time at work.  Its premise is this: Etienne, Mina and myself are going to a concert somewhere in the world.  The highest bidder gets to come for the ride.  Unfortunately Eliane had to bail at the last minute but we still had a great night.

– Chez Lucien may be home to a tasty burger but Saturday night was not the night to try one.  We waited (knowingly) for a few hours to get something to eat.  We missed the first few songs from Royal Canoe because of that!

– Royal Canoe were on fire from the minute we stepped in until the moment we left.  The crowd loves these guys.

We ended up at the Highlander Pub to watch our friend Dana kill it on the fiddle.

Setlist (partial)

Peep This
What’s Left in the River
Exodus of the Year
Living a Lie

Golden Years [David Bowie]

Concert Reviews

Review: Lynyrd Skynyrd at Canadian Tire Centre


Can my nose actually start bleeding from this far up?

Opening band: Randy Bachman

Thoughts of the show:

  • Trish and I went to this show with the thought of grabbing the 300 level since a) tickets were pricey and b) we aren’t the hugest fans of Skynyrd.
  • I don’t know if this was due to Skynyrd or not, but security was having a field day with busting people for smoking up.  My favourite moment was a guy being escorted out of the washroom and him saying “Someone told me it was legal as long as I smoked in the bathroom man!”
  • While I don’t follow much Randy Bachman, I was blown away by their set as he played his greatest hits and I then realized that I know quite a few of his tunes from BTO and the Guess Who.  They even had his son Tal Bachman play his 90s hit ‘She’s So High’!
  • We had a killer spot in the 300 level since there were so many empty seats.  We just found a couple of seats that weren’t squished between other people.
  • Skynyrd did not disappoint.  Let’s be honest, we all are there for Free Bird and they delivered.  My face melted a little



Workin’ for MCA
Skynyrd Nation
What’s Your Name
That Smell
You Got That Right
I Know a Little
The Needle and the Spoon
Saturday Night Special
The Ballad of Curtis Loew
Tuesday’s Gone
Don’t Ask Me No Questions
Simple Man
Gimme Three Steps
Call Me the Breeze [J.J. Cale]
Sweet Home Alabama

Free Bird

Concert Reviews

Review: Damien Robitaille at Shenkman Arts Centre

We brought Vero’s parents to see Damien Robitaille at the Shenkman Arts Centre.  He always puts on a great show and is a very funny person.  My favourite part of the night “So, I have a few slow tunes that I’m going to play for you and I’ll follow it up with a bunch of other faster tunes.”  Then after he played a slow tune he says “So, I have a few faster tunes that I’m going to play for you and I’ll follow it up with a bunch of other slower tunes.”  I always loved how much Vero was laughing at all his jokes.


Signe de vie
On est né nu
Mot de passe
Plein d’amour
Ta biographie
Univers Parallèles
Le fleuve
Ennemi imaginaire
Ta maman m’amadoue
Tout feu tout flamme
Quelles sont les chances ?
Le touriste du temps
Mètres de mon être
Homme autonome
Jésus nous a dit

Concert Reviews

Review: Dan Mangan at Algonquin Commons Theatre

I saw Matt Holubowski open up for Dan Mangan at Algonquin College.  I had never heard about him but I quite enjoyed him.  I feel he was channelling Bon Iver with his songs.  When I walked in I had this wave of “I want to support whoever is on stage tonight” so I bought his CD before even seeing him on stage.  While I waited for him I thought “That was quite silly.  What if I hate this guy?”  Turns out that my fears were unfounded.

Here’s the deal with Dan Mangan.  I’ve always loved his live shows and his older albums but I have to say his last couple of albums were not hitting the mark for me.  No matter, when you follow a songwriter through their career, there are bound to be a few times where you enjoy the ride with them when they try out different things.

Regardless of how I felt, it doesn’t matter.  Seeing him and his band brings these new songs to life brings a new appreciation along with it.  Dan Mangan concerts are always an intimate affair.  I really enjoyed something he said (paraphrased) : “The best part of a show is when I trip on a guitar cable or my voice cracks in a song.  That’s when the show becomes real.”  Something to that effect but it’s completely true.  As soon as something like that happens, there’s nothing to worry about during the show any longer and you just ride the wave.

At the end of the show they brought out the ‘Hammer’, a 360 degree camera to film us singing the last song.  It would be neat to figure out how to save that video from Facebook.

Update!  At the show Dan mentioned how if we messaged him on Facebook he would send us a recording of the show.  I said “Why not?  Let’s give this a try!”  As you all know, I’m a sucker for live recordings.

After a few months of chatting with him I wake up one morning in May and find that he has sent a soundboard recording of the show to me!  Dan, you and your band rock!


Cold in the Summer
Can’t Not
Road Regrets
Pine for Cedars
Lay Low
Which Is It
Race to the Bottom
Just Fear
Hang With Me [Robyn] @Info[solo, twitter request]
Basket @Info[solo]
The Indie Queens Are Waiting @Info[Duet]
Fool for Waiting @Info[solo]
Troubled Mind
Peaks & Valleys

So Much for Everyone


Concert Reviews

Review: Patrick Watson with the NAC Orchestra

The aftermath

First off, can I just say that every time I go to the National Arts Center it’s a magical experience?  It helped that they had recently renovated the building and it was really great to roam around for a half hour taking it all in.  I don’t ever dismiss that I am within the capital of Canada and am a lucky individual.

Now, onto the music!  Months ago Jean-Francois tipped me off on a presale code for Patrick Watson along with the NAC Orchestra coming into town.  I jumped on the ticket and secretly purchased one right next to Jean-Francois and Marie-Claude but told them that the thing was sold out and I wasn’t able to get tickets.  Heh heh heh.  Circumstances arose and I did tip them off a few days before of my secret plan so the surprise was kind of lost, but it was great to see them there nonetheless!

I can’t recall ever seeing a band play with an orchestra before so I was in for a treat.  Plus Patrick Watson’s music lends itself well to an orchestra compare to…let’s say…Metallica S&M? (great album by the way, but it’s not like a lot of their music was a good fit!)

We had some excellent seats up in the Mezannine level…dead center and two rows from the ledge.  You couldn’t ask for a better view.

They opened with a piece that was written by a Canadian composer for the 2010 Winter Olympics.  Then the band came out and started with Lighthouse.  Now, if I would have just heard that and left the building, I would have been satisfied.  It’s amazing what the power of a orchestra has over your soul and your ears.  It’s quite forceful.  Marie-Claude remarked that they had changed all the acoustics within the Southam Hall and the orchestra sounded better than ever.

Close your eyes to any piece of music that night and you would see visuals dancing through your head.  Their music is very cinematic and couple with the orchestra makes it doubly so.  There were great moments within the show like when the orchestra had some fun with early 40s/50s sound effects for animation like Looney Tunes.  At one point they had balloons deflating and then you saw all the balloons flying around the stage!  The crowd immediately ate that up and gave a great cheer.

While not an exact setlist match, if you are curious to what I witnessed, you can watch a Youtube video of a previous symphonic concert collaboration filmed in Toronto here.

The show lasted around 90 minutes and then the band came back for an encore without the orchestra.  It was very gracious of them after an amazing night.  Unfortunately for me, every time I see Patrick Watson I leave feeling inspired, yet frustrated that I do not yet have the abilities to mimic the amazing sonic landscapes that this band can accomplish.  One day!

The NAC announced no pictures were to be taken.  I snuck this one in as everyone was giving a standing ovation and it was the end of the set anyhow.

Setlist (not in order…can’t recall a lot of the order)


Good Morning Mr. Wolf

Wooden Arms

Slip Into Your Skin

Melody Noir

Where the Wild Things Are

Adventures In Your Own Backyard (I’m pretty sure he made mention of it being about a hot tub in your backyard)

Into Giants

Traveling Salesman


To Build a Home [The Cinematic Orchestra]


Big Bird in a Small Cage (He had the audience sing along with him near the end)

Encore 2:




Concert Reviews

Review: The Dears at The 27 Club

Not many memories of this show other than it was great!  Went alone but ended up hanging out with Erica and Evan who saw me in the crowd.


Concert Reviews

Review: Bullet for my Valentine, Breaking Benjamin and Avenged Sevenfold at the Canadian Tire Center

I came for Breaking Benjamin, I left being a fan of Avenged Sevenfold.”

Decent view of everything going on!

A few months back I see that Breaking Benjamin is coming to town along with Bullet for My Valentine and Avenged Sevenfold.  I was a huge Breaking Benjamin fan ever since we saw them open up for Evanescence back in 2004.  So it didn’t even matter who was touring with them this time around…I was going to see them again.

Tyler and his brother Ryan graced us with some burgers and beers for the show and along with Eric and Mike in tow, we headed out to the Canadian Tire Center for 6PM.  Quite the early start but that’s what you get with three bands on the bill.

While I thought our seats would have been quite good, they put us directly perpendicular with the screen so there was no way we would have been able to see anything going on.  Luckily, our section had tons of extra room so we just meandered to the other end of the row and sat down there with a decent view.

Ottawa isn’t generally known for being the best crowd I have ever witnessed but I have to admit that when you bring in bands that haven’t generally hit the area, the arena gets filled with rabid fans who have been waiting years to see their favourite band.

Case in point…the floor was PACKED for Bullet for My Valentine and the crowd was on fire.  In fact, there were two distinct mosh pits going on for the entire night.  It was quite awesome to behold.  I believe Mike summed it up best (well, with my paraphrasing) by stating “I want to be on the floor and in all that energy, but my body is quite comfortable sitting here sipping on a beer.”  I couldn’t agree more.  It’s exciting to be in a crowd with all that energy…but you couldn’t even have alcohol on the floor which is a very lame new rule at the Canadian Tire Center.  Is that happening all over Canada in other venues?

Bullet for My Valentine was awesome.  They brought the energy up instantly and we were all amped up for the rest of the show.  Mike is a huge fan and was happy with their set.  I can’t say I know many tunes, nor do I know many tunes of Avenged Sevenfold.  They were icing on the Breaking Benjamin cake.

After going to get another beer, Eric stumbled upon a fifty dollar bill!  We feel bad for that kid who lost his Uber-ride home money, but hey, it ramped up our night!

Here’s where a confession has to come out.  I really was excited to see Breaking Benjamin.  They are in my top hard rock acts of all time list.  But you know what?  I came out of that show severely underwhelmed for the first half of their set and they managed to bring me back up a little with their rendition of the Imperial March and a few covers of Tool, Nirvana and Pantera.  But…man, it kind of sucked.  Musically, they sounded great!  But there was no energy to their music and I swear if I ever see the frontman take the catwalk again, I will leave the room.  Every chance he got, he was out there strutting his stuff, no guitar in hand.  I also was quite peeved that between every song there was some weird atmospheric musical intermission.  Dudes…you’re a band with 8 songs to play.  Don’t have a minute long PA speaker song happening between songs.  Keep the energy up and power through those things.

Well, that’s that.  Eric and I were severely underwhelmed with what we saw.  Not sure what to think anymore of that band…I think it’s a mix of 1) the logistics of their stage show 2) coming after Bullet for my Valentine who had so much more energy 3) maybe I’ve just grown out of their style of music 4) seriously dude, stop strutting on the catwalk so much!  I honestly don’t know if I would even bother going to see them in concert if they stumbled back into Ottawa.

With that bad taste in our mouth, I had high hopes for Avenged Sevenfold, a band that Vero’s cousins introduced me to and at the time, I thought they were a band that blatantly stole riffs from Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden.  I gave them a chance and they had some good tunes but I hadn’t fallen in love with what they had to offer.  I did start to enjoy their latest album The Stage which they were currently touring.


If it didn’t end up being one of the better concerts I’ve seen in a long time!

Avenged Sevenfold blowing our minds.

Seriously, I am officially a huge fan now.  The crowd took everything the band threw at them and threw it back at them.  So many mosh pits, so many hands pumping in the air.  It was an awesome show.  I have been thinking that we are witnessing the end of an era of bands who can take control of an entire arena…Metallica, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi…they are getting up their in age.  There’s not many bands that can take an arena and transform it to an experience….well Avenged Sevenfold is one of them.  Zacky Vengeance and Synyster Gates are insane on the guitar.  I feel Gates is like Kirk Hammett on steroids.  I also laughed at how he looks like a mannequin most of the time up on screen but I can understand why…he needs to focus so much on playing these face melting riffs!

The mark of a great band is that you don’t even have to know half their songs but you are still entertained by their show.  Entertained we were.  Eric said it best: “How have I not known about this band all these years?!”

Incredible night had by all.

Twenty years of rocking and still going strong.  Strong being the 200 level with comfy seats.

Bullet for My Valentine setlist

Your Betrayal
No Way Out
The Last Fight
4 Words (To Choke Upon)
Tears Don’t Fall
Waking the Demon
Don’t Need You

Breaking Benjamin Setlist

So Cold
Angels Fall
Sooner or Later
Blow Me Away
Never Again
The Imperial March / Schism / Smells Like Teen Spirit / Walk
Until the End
I Will Not Bow
The Diary of Jane

Avenged Sevenfold Setlist

The Stage
Hail to the King
Beast and the Harlot
Buried Alive
So Far Away
God Damn
Chapter Four
Exist @Info[abridged]
Wish You Were Here [Pink Floyd]
Bat Country

Welcome to the Family
A Little Piece of Heaven
Unholy Confessions


Concert Reviews

Review: Roger Waters at Canadian Tire Centre


Set 1
Speak to Me
One of These Days
Breathe (Reprise)
The Great Gig in the Sky
Welcome to the Machine
Déjà Vu
The Last Refugee
Picture That
Wish You Were Here
The Happiest Days of Our Lives
Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
Another Brick in the Wall Part 3

Set 2
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Us and Them
Smell the Roses
Brain Damage

Comfortably Numb


Concert Reviews

Review: Arcade Fire at Scotiabank Place

If the crowd at U2 in Detroit ruined my concert going spirits, Arcade Fire brought them back from the brink!

Etienne, his Dad and I headed down to check out Arcade Fire on their Infinite Content tour.  Disclaimer: Upon the first few listens of their new album Everything Now, I really didn’t care for it.  But like most great albums that I don’t like at first, they creep into your psyche and become one of your favourites.  Man, there are some catchy melodies there!

The show was severely lacking in terms of the size of crowd…we even heard some friends who were up in the 300 level were put down into the 100 level as an upgrade to make the place feel more packed.  They closed off the entire 300 level.  That’s a bummer.  Arcade Fire on the Reflektor tour definitely brought a big crowd but maybe with the lacklustre appeal of the new album, lots of people bailed on seeing them.

Oh well, their loss.  This was Arcade Fire at their best.  They had a 360 degree boxing ring style stage and within that stage the center piece would rotate.  Also, with this particular floor layout, it allowed me to go to any side to check out what I wanted to see.  If I wanted to keep an eye on the lead guitarist, I could.  Am I hearing a wild percussion piece going on?  Let’s go check it out.  I really love these types of stages because the viewer a better view.

Check out this stage setup!

The lighting rigs around the arena were insane and resulted in great effects like this.


Who doesn’t like a disco ball?

Drinks weren’t allowed on the floor and I’m not sure why, unless it was to entice us to dance.  Dance we did!

Not sure why the audio crapped out for this video of Reflektor, but at least it gives you a visual of what was going on.

Win giving the crowd at the back some love.


I quite like how this photo turned out.  It encapsulates a little of everything that was going on that night.

My favourite part of the night was when Etienne said “I think they will come out on the floor.  I’m going to get my camera ready.”  Meanwhile, Win does indeed come out on the floor directly behind Etienne.  So while he is busy filming the stage, he completely misses the fact that he waltzes behind him.  It was neat to see him sing a song within the crowd before tearing it up for the last couple of songs back on stage.

If you have the chance to catch the band on their Infinite Content tour, do it!