Concert Reviews

Review: U2 in Detroit

Labour Day weekend was upon us and it was time to hit the road!  After hearing how amazing the Joshua Tree show in Toronto was in June, I decided to get some tickets to see U2 in Detroit as they had added a few additional tour dates.  Was it foolish to not go to the Toronto show with Claude?  Perhaps!  But that foolishness was soon rectified as we hit the road for Detroit rock city!

Vero, Sierra and I hit the road to head to Ajax on Friday.  We had traveled with Sierra the year before so we thought it was due time to return to see some family.  We’re still trying to see how Sierra is as a traveler.  She pretty much slept all the way to Kingston which was great and we decided to pick up some food and head to a park so she could get out and stretch her legs.  I loved how we met this other family who told us that this park wasn’t exactly in the greatest part of Kingston and that they needed to sweep the area for needles before their kid could crawl around.  Yikes!  Good to know for next time!

But Dad, I don’t want to go back in the car for another couple of hours!

We arrived in Ajax early afternoon and hung out with the Palmer clan.  It was good to see them all without guitar in tow as I find that while I thoroughly enjoy a night of music, I don’t get a lot of one-on-one time with everyone while doing that.

Troy and Connie picked up Sierra’s new favourite toys for the bathtub!

Sierra showing Wendy how to eat corn on the cob….raw!

I didn’t realize what bag I gave Nanny at the time to entertain Sierra!

Of course out of 20 takes of a photo of the three of us, I had to be the one who messed up the best take.

Nanny has her eye on you at all times!

Nanny and Sierra heading out for a stroll.

The next day we headed out to Barrie to see Mackenize, Carson, Ryan and Emilie.  I hadn’t seen all of them for a few years and they have moved to a new house  I wanted to check out.

Best friend forever and still having a great time even if it’s dealing with three kids in a tub.

Sierra checking out what school is all about.

Sierra discovered Madame Emilie’s box of ‘now it’s time to be quiet kids’

Having fun!  It was great hanging out with these munchkins.  They have a lot of energy and it made me realize I need to mentally prepare myself for kids who just want to horse around all the time!

Arriving in the big city!

The next day was the main event…U2 in Detroit!  Claude and I decided to meet at the Yorkdale shopping center which was convenient for him coming off the 401 and convenient for me taking the GO Train from Barrie.  It was the perfect road trip other than a bout of construction on the 401.  But other than that, the four hour trip to Windsor flew by…mostly because we can chatter about every topic like a bunch of ladies knitting for hours on end.

We arrived in Windsor, threw our stuff into the hotel and got the bus over to Detroit.  I find it interesting that you can’t walk over to Detroit considering it’s 2 km from our hotel.  This proved to be quite horrible when we had to get the bus back and it took us nearly 2 hours in traffic after the show.  Ridiculous!

Arriving at the Ford Field, we didn’t check out the downtown core because we didn’t want to miss Beck opening up for U2.  It was pretty smooth sailing throughout the entire night…no lineups for beer, food, or getting down to the floor.  I don’t think I’ve ever been in a US football stadium before and it’s quite amazing how it can fit upwards of 70,000 people.  Most of the people are in the first level.

That second beer was a bad idea considering we knew we would be stuck on the floor all night with no hope of getting back to our spot.  One time in Toronto Claude had to go to the bathroom and I didn’t see him for two hours as he just couldn’t get back to us.  

We had a great spot on the floor for a view standpoint.  I really like how Ford Field feels like you are in a warehouse.  

The stage for the Joshua Tree tour is quite awesome considering that yellow thing you see in the photo is a screen!

Overall, I have to say that the concert was fantastic.  I really enjoyed how they structured the setlist with a few older tunes, the entire Joshua Tree album and then tunes from later in their catalogue.  It was incredible seeing some songs played live for the first time compared to others that I’ve seen 5-6 times.  However, there is one gripe that really affected me during the show.

Man, the Detroit crowd kind of sucks.

Sure, I’m in the extreme for liking to rock out at a concert as my friends can attest, but when the people around you don’t even chant on Pride (In the Name of Love) you know there’s something wrong.  I have this sneaking suspicion that we were sandwiched between what I like to call the hardcore fans…the ones that travel the country to catch every show.  Well, the thing is, if you go see a band 20 times and they play virtually the same setlist every night, I don’t think you’re going to be excited.  I felt like we were surrounded by these people.  There was no excitement around us.  As Claude put it “I think we were the only two people singing along and clapping.”  Let’s just say the religious experience of hearing Streets and having the entire stadium shake beneath your feet did not happen and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Days later I managed to gain a little perspective and realized that it was still probably the best U2 show I have ever seen.

We were just to the right of the small tree stage on the floor.  I quite liked the stage design of the Joshua tree casting a shadow stage on the floor.  Or is it the other way around?

Witness the most powerful stage experience I have ever witnessed….when the black screen sprung to life with this incredible red.  It really hit me.

You know it’s going to get good when this happens!

Our spot on the floor gave us a really cool perspective as the screen would have films that would sway and it made it look like the band was moving across the stage while standing perfectly still.  It’s hard to describe.  I need to find a video to show you.

Always a moving experience when the entire crowd lights up their cellphones at a show.

Other than Patti Smith and absolutely destroying a song, there weren’t many hiccups for a band that was on vacation for a few months.  We left the show immediately feeling upset from the lacklustre crowd and headed back to our hotel which took us 2 hours…then a ride home for 8 hours the next day….but in the end, I feel that it was the greatest U2 show I had witnessed but the best experience still is from the U2 360 tour as the show and the crowd merged into an amazing experience.

Concert Reviews

Review: Headstones and Live at Bluesfest

While I don’t have the energy nor the time to go every night to Bluesfest, I can definitely handle a full-out weekend (ok, no I can’t and I smartly took Monday off as vacation to recoup my energy).  After work on Friday I went to Le Troquet for a few pints with my old manager Jean-Francois, along with Michael, Mina and Kelly.  Good times were had reminiscing and sampling their tasty St-Ambroise IPA.  Definitely better than the swill they serve at Bluesfest!

Mina dropped me off at Lebreton Flats and it was go time!

Is this seriously the phone number of this company?  Fantastic.

Mike tipped me off to this excellent rocking band from Kingston called The Tragically Hip…I mean, The Glorious Sons.  There was quite the crowd for them around 6:30pm.  Two thumbs for these guys.  I’m going to pick up their albums.

Next up were the Headstones.  Now, I can’t say I own an album, but I know a few tunes off the radio.  I was blown away by their energy on stage.  Hugh Dillon is quite the showman.  I had a good time catching these guys while waiting for people to show up.  Karilee, Andre, Mike, Melissa and Molly all trickled in during their set. 

So…word on the street is that we were expecting a little rain this night.  Nothing major, but it was a smart idea to bring a rain jacket.  Sidenote: I saw someone wearing some Doc Martin-looking rubber boots.  I love those things.  You look stylish wearing them and they keep your feet dry!  I need a pair.

Nabbed this off of Melissa’s FB page.  Good crew before getting rained out!

We headed over to watch Anderson Paak at the Claridge stage and a few songs in they said they had to get off the stage as a lightning storm was coming in.  This was news to us as there wasn’t even much rain at that point and the clouds didn’t look ominous.  We hung out for a good 30-45 minutes and the rain started trickling in but nothing major.  Live was due on the main stage around 9:30 and it was already that time when Anderson Paak hit the stage.

There are moments at Bluesfest where you are hoping to have this transcendent moment where an artist you are not familiar with brings you in with their tractor beams and sets their phasers on stun.  Anderson Paak was this for me (and the Weeknd was that for me many years ago).  These guys were on fire.  They realized they only had fifteen minutes to give us and they gave it their all.  I was quite impressed how Anderson Paak would be on the mic dancing around one moment and then hop on this mega drum kit and be pulling off some Jimmy Chamberlin stuff on me.  My face did melt a little in the rainstorm.

I told Andre I was going to head over to the washroom and I would meet them over at the main stage for Live.  I settled in for the ride and noticed that it was starting to rain a little harder.  No matter, this was LIVE, reunited!  I was stoked to see them.  This was a big moment for a Live fan!

I’m surprised the camera was working at this point.  I smartly powered the phone off considering the amount of rain that was hitting my jeans.

They hit the stage around 9:45 and just roll out the power.  All over You, Operation Spirit…bam!  They are on fire.  I even move up closer to the stage as there is plenty of room.

The thing is, there’s plenty of room because the rain is coming down HARD and I’m essentially walking into a giant puddle.  I honestly thought it was just a puddle I was in at one point, until I realized after that this is no mere puddle, the entire field has about two inches of water on top of it!  I look around the crowd and it looks like someone has the firehouse coming down on them.  It then dawned on me that this was the mother of all storms and we were right in the middle of it.  The only comparable storm I’ve been in would have been The Trews back in 2006.

Live rips into Pain Lies on the Riverside and I’m stoked to hear some tunes off of their Mental Jewellery album.  Then I see a stagehand walk right onto stage and give them knife across the neck hand motion.  It’s done, it’s over.  The sound is cut and the band is rushed off the stage.

Well, this is never a good sign.

As soon as they clear the stage, lightning strikes in the distance and the thunder immediately goes BOOM!  It must have been a close one!  Everyone heads over to the War Museum for some shelter.  I try and find the others but they are nowhere to be found.  After 30 minutes, I notice the lit up screens go black so I think “Alright!  Maybe the show is back on!”  Alas, it was not meant to be and they had cancelled the show for the rest of the night.  This is a smart move considering the field was water over our shoes and I can only imagine what happens when you mix thousands of people standing in water and a lightning bolt.

Soaked to the bone, I headed back to Hull, grabbed a slice of pizza and settled in for the long ride home with wet underwear.  Gah.  Friday night Bluesfest, it was still a good time, even though I only got a taste of how awesome Live is right now.



Concert Reviews

Review: Sam Roberts Band at Bluesfest

I quite like the cooler guy with a flag.

Years past, I would endure the Gauntlet of 10 days of rock and roll at the Ottawa Bluesfest but these bones cannot handle that much stress so this year I decided to pick up a 3-day pass.

Because of that, I ended up sacrificing seeing the Sam Roberts Band, but the music gods granted me with ticket karma and Etienne asked if I wanted his buddy’s ticket to see Sam Roberts Band at 8PM and then pass it to his buddy who was coming to see Toby Keith at 9:15PM.  Zang!

It was a beautiful summer day and I was the first to arrive on the scene.  Unfortunately for this man’s tastebuds, the placards of Coors Light adorned the beer tents and I groaned and reminisced of the days of Mill Street taking over Bluesfest by force.  No matter, I found a tent that sold Creemore for a cool $9.50 (!!).

I caught of few songs from local band Tribe Royal.  Not bad.  I then wandered over to the new River Stage which has been newly named the Bluesville stage.  It’s under a tent and they have some bleachers for people to sit down in.  It’s not a bad setup but it definitely cannot accomodate a whole lot of people.  I miss the River stage.  I did catch the last song by a band called Blast from the Sun which was a rocking tune.

The City Stage was calling my name and I sat on the grass to enjoy Shawn Tavenier from the Ottawa area.  They had some decent tunes and were a good warmup act for Toby Keith later on.

Karilee, Andre and Etienne all showed up a few minutes before Sam Roberts Band and we grabbed some beers while taking the festival all in.  This is the start of summer, in my opinion!  Karilee managed to be the smartest of us all and bypassed the entire crowd and found out a spot right in front of the stage!

Seriously, how much closer can we get?

They still got it!

It was Etienne’s first time seeing the band and my fourteenth (according to  He was in awe.

Ecstatic fans.

Not sure where I stole this photo from.  I believe the SRB Fans facebook page.

The band, of course, was on fire, after all these years.  I have to say that I never realized how long they have been around until I was telling the students at work that I was going to see Sam Roberts and they all asked me “Who?”

The last tune was Brother Down and Sammy came down to the rail to give everyone high fives.  Karilee and I went up to be graced by the rock and roll presence.  I have to say I generally don’t care if I physically touch an artist (but let’s not forget Mom’s story about how she once touched André the Giant at a wrestling match!) but the electricity of the moment when Sam gave me a handshake said “The summer is here, let’s rock and roll!”

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the older folks dancing away in front of us and partaking in the herbal form of the summer.  We were quite entertained by these folks and they chatted up a storm with us after the show.

Etienne convinced me to stick around for two tunes of Toby Keith since his buddy eventually had to bail on the entire night.  Adorned with Ford logos and a giant cowboy hat, I couldn’t help but think that this is what I feel the definition of a country artist from the US of A is.  Heck, he even had a song called Made in America.  It was entertaining for two songs, but my non-country music fan blood made me run for the hills (literally.  I was heading towards Gatineau).

When I said earlier that Bluesfest was the start of the summer, I take it back.  I was walking to Hull after the show and two young girls were running past me.  Then they stop and I hear one of them yell out “I’m going to yack! Bleeccchhhhhh.”  That, my friends, is the official start to the summer and I’m glad it’s here.  Here’s to a great Bluesfest for Karilee, Andre, Mike and Melissa who are doing the gauntlet this year.  I’ll be there all next weekend with Vero.

Super special thanks to my bro, Etienne for hooking me up with the ticket.

On the other side of the city, all my friends were gathering for supper.  Sorry for ditching you all at the last minute!


Concert Reviews

Review: Les Cowboys Fringants at Top-Shot (Lachute)


Bye Bye Lou
La Reine
La la la
Paris – Montréal
Pizza galaxie
Droit devant
La cave
Mon grand-père
8 secondes
En berne
Plus rien

La manifestation
Symphonie pour Caza
La dévisse
Marine marchande
Les étoiles filantes

Le shack à Hector
Joyeux calvaire !

Concert Reviews

Review: The Tea Party at Algonquin Commons Theatre

Thoughts from the show (written in 2019)

  • Part of Tx20 tour – 20 years of Transmission
  • Pretty amazing to hear all the Transmission tunes live.
  • I really like it when bands play a full album and then add a few hits at the end.  I also like it when they mix up the album instead of playing it in order.  Unless you’re playing Dark Side of the Moon!
  • Went with Eliane and Etienne.

Opening band: The Road Heavy

Emerald!  Only my favourite Transmission tune.

The crew!






Army Ants

@Set[Set 2]
Writing’s on the Wall
The Bazaar
The Ocean at the End
Heaven Coming Down / All Along the Watchtower
Save Me

Winter Solstice / Sister Awake / Paint It Black



Concert Reviews

Review: Wintersleep at Bronson Centre and work Christmas party

Friday offered up some fun times all around in the form of a brutally cold day, coupled with the annual work party AND a Wintersleep concert at Bronson Center!

The morning started off with a (final?) visit to see Marie-Eve who managed to get a job back in the place she calls home…les Iles-de-Madeleine.  While we were thinking flowers would have been a nice going away gift, we realized that a pretzel really shows a person how much you love them.  We wish you well Marie-Eve!

Best going away gift ever?  Perhaps.

Dana was nice enough to hook us up with a parking spot at her apartment building next to the Bronson Center so we dropped the wheels off there after getting a bite to eat at Mucho Burrito.  On the way back we were laughing maniacally at the thought of offering up a burrito as a gift in the gift exchange.  Imagine!  Then we decided upon a smoked meat platter and while everyone was joking in the car, I realized that I could not pass this opportunity up to pull such a great prank.

But then Etienne dropped the hammer with the greatest idea of a gift.

That’s right, I walked over to St. Hubert in -30 degree weather and picked up a quarter chicken meal and wrapped that up for the gift exchange!

Etienne and I were giggling all the way back to the office.  Imagine receiving that as a gift!  Ha!

Andrée was the lucky recipient of the gift!

I don’t know who brought these sunglasses to the ‘Christmas in July’ party, but they provided hours of entertainment for Clive and I. 



After some rocking good times as the Christmas party, Nat, Etienne (who magically grew hair) and I headed to the Bronson Center to catch the Wintersleep concert! 

Now, for everyone who has been to a Bronson Center concert, let me ask this question…when did they change it so there is a large floor area with beer being served?  That is awesome!  We ended up getting there super early because I have fallen victim to showing up late to the Bronson Center and getting really bad seats in the past, but that wasn’t the case tonight with the giant floor area with Beau’s beer on tap!

As always, Wintersleep put on a fantastic show.  Their new album is killer and you need to pick it up.

Damn, we were pretty close to the action that night.  Unfortunately, the sound in the Bronson Center sucks large.  I never remembered it being that bad before.  Etienne even walked around the entire theatre trying to find a better sounding spot and it was impossible to find.  Bronson Center, you are great in some ways, but kind of horrible in other ways.

It was fantastic night out with friends and Wintersleep brought their best to Ottawa!

Meanwhile back home, Vero and Sierra were nice enough to let me go out while they had loads of fun that night!


Santa Fe
Drunk on Aluminium
Jaws of Life
Weighty Ghost
Freak Out
Laser Beams

Nerves Normal, Breath Normal

Concert Reviews

Review: Pearl Jam at Canadian Tire Centre

Memories of this show written in 2019:

I remember driving out to Kanata to get some merchandise before the show.  I waited two hours in line (maybe more?).  It was a little crazy.

Sierra was this show!  I remember us asking the doctor if it was fine bringing unborn Sierra to a rock concert.  She smiled and said we shouldn’t worry about it too much!


Lightning Bolt
Mind Your Manners
Do the Evolution
Save You
Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town @Info[dedicated to Fort McMurray, Alberta]
Love Boat Captain
I Am Mine
Even Flow
Setting Forth [Eddie Vedder] @Info[dedicated to author of ‘Into the Wild’, Jon Krakauer, who was in attendance]
Given to Fly
Big Wave @Info[tour debut]
Why Go

Bee Girl @Info[Eddie singing with Jeff on acoustic guitar]
Speed of Sound @Info[tour debut]
Parachutes @Info[tour debut]
Love, Reign O’er Me [The Who] @Info[tour debut]
Better Man @Info[with “Save it for Later” (The Beat) tag]
Blood @Info[with “Atomic Dog” tag and “Superunknown” (Soundgarden) tease outro]

All I Want Is You [U2] @Info[Eddie Vedder solo on acoustic guitar; first verse and chorus only) (tour debut]
Wasted Reprise
Life Wasted
Fuckin’ Up [Neil Young]

@Info[“Green Disease”, “Crazy Mary” (Victoria Williams), “The Real Me” (The Who), and “Indifference” were on the setlist, but were not played. “All I Want Is You” (U2) was not on the setlist. Soundcheck included “Speed of Sound”, “Fatal”, “Green Disease”, “Setting Forth”, “I Am Mine”, “Big Wave”, and “Love Reign O’er Me” (The Who).]

Concert Reviews

Review: Nutcracker – Royal Winnipeg Ballet at National Arts Center


Concert Reviews

Review: Loon Choir at CityFolk (Aberdeen Pavillion)

Sticker from event


Hope Is Just a Footnote
Centre of Gravity
Always Golden
Lake Superior
Shipping Lanes

Concert Reviews

Review: Cityfolk (Patrick Watson, Van Morrison)


Celtic Swing
Close Enough for Jazz
Days Like This
Baby, Please Don’t Go / Parchman Farm / Cry Cry Baby
Sometimes We Cry
Whenever God Shines His Light
Carrying a Torch
Precious Time
Real Real Gone
Wild Night
Jackie Wilson Said (I’m in Heaven When You Smile)
Cleaning Windows
I Can’t Stop Loving You [Don Gibson]
In the Afternoon / Ancient Highway / Raincheck
Think Twice Before You Go [John Lee Hooker]
Brown Eyed Girl
In the Garden
Gloria [Them]