
Mike’s Rant – No White Males Policy

Another special guest ranter…apparently I have quite a few friends who like to rant.

Read this article first on the new policy in place at PWGSC for hiring white, able-bodied males:


Then continue on with Mike’s rant here:

You know,

That is total bullshit, by attempting to stop discrimination they are only discriminating even more than before. Getting a job based solely on your ethnic background or your sex does nothing but hurt the employer. Jobs should be awarded solely on the basis of your experience and your qualifications. If I have a problem I want the best person for the job no matter of who they are or where they come from.

And there is my rant.

Such is a fact of life, I guess that I will have to get used to the idea of being discriminated against for no apparent reason. Why discrimination ever came to be I have no idea, we are all human beings who originated from the same lineage.



Trish’s Rant

Since Ryan has been gracious enough to let me be a guest ranter on his blog, here are a few things that I need to vent about today. For the past few days I have had that fabulous Band-Aid song “Do They Know Its Christmas” stuck in my head. This stems from the compilation of my Fromage de Noel album, which will be on sale shortly.

In this song, we distinctly hear our very own Bono, champion of poverty prevention, sing “Well tonight thank God it’s them instead of you” in reference to the poor starving children of Africa. Thank God the children are starving in Africa? Doesn’t sound very charitable to me. For a guy who is so quick to tell us all his political views and insists during his concerts that we call our political leaders and share our views on poverty, he might have put a little more thought into that line. (editor’s note: I think Trish is on crack.)

Another line that gets me: “And there won’t be snow in Africa this Christmastime.” Is this as opposed to every other year when they do get snow? Do you really think snow is their biggest concern? I mean really, it is fabulous that all sorts of famous singers got together to save the children of Africa through song, but I think they could have put a little more effort into the lyrics. (editor’s note: Who says there isn’t snow in Africa? I think Trish should do some research on this one.)

The Simpsons also agree with me. Please refer to the episode “Radio Bart” where Bart uses a microphone and pretends to be an orphan boy named Timmy O’Toole, who has fallen down a well. Celebrities from Springfield and Sting put together their own Band-Aid.
Sideshow Mel: Though we can’t get him out, we’ll do the next best thing…
McBane: We go on TV and sing, sing, sing! (well, if it was in the Simpsons, I can’t deny Trish’s comments above.)

In other ranting news…ever since I have had a car again, I have been noticing that there are a lot of stupid people out there. For instance:

  1. The guy who ran the red light where Wellington and Bronson cross and nearly smashed into me. Dangerous corner anyway because of that large cement wall that blocks your view of traffic.
  2. The moron who parked his car about 1 foot from the lights at the corner of Parkdale and Somerset (or whatever Somerset turns into) so that when you make a right turn you nearly smash into his car.
  3. People who do not change their driving techniques when the roads are covered in a sheet of ice. And last but not least
  4. People who spend their money on recording equipment instead of on winter tires and endangers themselves and the rest of us innocent people! (sorry, couldn’t resist adding that one…) (editor’s note: HEY! I brought the car out and the tires are fine. I even took it for a few skid runs and she’s a beaut.)

Ok. Done for now, but don’t worry. I am just getting warmed up. I’ll be back (it’s up to you to imagine the Terminator voice here).