
Christmas List

For those wishing to pick up yours truly a gift (Mom/Dad, I’m looking at you here..), I have created a wish list on

Actually, you may wish to actually order through (instead of to save some money. I have just received the following note from Artoo concerning his Alias boxset that he ordered through

“Yep.. Got it last Friday. No duties = shipped in Canada as per your blog entry. Set is beautiful. I believe they relay the shipments as the outside box is shipped from Canada. The inside plastic said an address from the US.”

Here’s the list.

3 replies on “Christmas List”

$341.00 for a christmas list…..I hate Christmas lists… my my what ever happened to .. imagination, listening, looking, making mental notes….Come on folks….. this is Christmas, time to give surprises…not things that people tell you to get….

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