
Concert Etiquette

Mike had the most amazing idea the other evening while we were at an Our Lady Peace concert. He thinks we should write a book about concert etiquette, along with some stories from the road.

I think this is an amazing idea and we already have some ideas forming about what we can talk about. Heck, there is even rumours that with the new Apple iPad coming out, we may be able to self-publish! Sweet!

Here’s some topics of interest. Feel free to suggest some others!

– The Epic Lawn chair vs. Standing Room at Summer Festivals debate
– When to Stand and when not to stand at a concert
– How to Navigate a Crowd
– Ticket Buying Tips
– What to do when someone passes you something
– Should you wear a rock shirt of the band who is currently on stage?
– How to sing along to a song
– How to show your appreciation to the band on stage (ladies, listen closely)
– Are you hear to photograph, or here to rock out? The ongoing saga of technology in the hands of teeny-boppers.

Some classic stories that will come up:
– The road trip to AC/DC (Toronto 2000); including girl in car who we saw later at the concert, old dude passing us something in front of the security guy
– NIN in 2000 w/ Eric
– Checking out buddy’s sister at Nickelback (?)
– Obtaining tickets for AC/DC 2009
– KISS!!! And the ruining of Vero’s night
– U2 in 2000 when the car broke down

And if we decide to incorporate other tales from the road, I can think of a few:
– Troy’s encounter with a lit cigarette

One reply on “Concert Etiquette”

when to dance / not dance. Classic issues arise during outdoor/summer festivals when you have your crazy, often dreadlocked dancers who need roughly a 50 metre space around them cause of their dancing/hair swinging.

Or when dancing begins in a small venue without seats and you’re not taking part – move to the side!

When is it okay to leave if the concert sucks.

What to do if the crowd is dead dead dead (a la OLP)

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