
Corn Roast 2007

So the plans for our corn roast were a success and as far as I could tell, everyone had a great time.

The corn roast almost never happened as Eric told us that corn season ends near the end of September. Mike went to five different places before finding some corn at Sobey’s. After picking up four dozen corn, our realization that this corn roast would happen were upon us. Success! We would have been pretty upset if we had to feed everyone some cream corn.

Mental Note: Have the corn roast a month earlier.

Saturday turned out to be the most beautiful day in September (that’s right, I can see into the future) so Mike and I started out the day by jamming outside with a few beers until the patrons appeared.

A big bunch of people showed up and I would like to put a shout out to Chef Losier as he seemed to have everything under control. The corn was delish, the meat was great, and the drinks were fab. Let us not forget the great weather outside which had everyone in a good mood.

We ended up with 2 dozen extra corn which is fine with us. Mike just sliced it up and it’s in the freezer now. Serves me right for not looking at the evite for the number of people showing up.

The night descended in groups hanging out and chatting, some Flight of the Conchords playing on TV, and an impromptu jam session when most of the people left for the night.

I also presented Rob, Joe and Matt with pictures I had from ten years ago when Rob and I first moved to Ottawa. Yes, it has been ten years ago since we appeared in the great Nation’s capital and no one has been the same since. We had a good laugh at the photos and I’m glad to see that these guys have stuck with me throughout the time in Ottawa. There are quite a few people from Algonquin who turned out to be school buddies and that’s about it. But I’m sure if you put us together, we would be like old friends.

I’m actually trying to hunt down some ‘six degrees of seperation’ software so I can see how I’ve met my friends throughout the years. If anyone knows of any, let me know!

Thanks to all who came out to the Corn Roast and we’re looking forward to it next year!

Uh..I’m assuming if anyone is looking for pictures of the event, you can just go on Facebook as SO many people told me during the corn roast. Essentially, if you’re not on Facebook, you’re not a good enough friend to see pictures from your own event. 🙁

iplaying: For Your Love – Djali Zwan

9 replies on “Corn Roast 2007”

speaking of facebook… it’s probably the greatest six degrees of separation software you’ll ever find.

That’s an excellent point. I’m actually looking for something that would actually map out on a a graphic the six degrees. Can Facebook do that?

Possible but doubtful,
Facebook is open to external development, and users can add their own software to their page, but I am not certain it would have access to the geographic location of the users.

But ya, I agree with Sammy, that is what facebook does at the core, it keeps track of your friends, and your friends friends.
You can look at which of your friends have common friends in relation to you.

Someone must have built an app that graphs the relationships.

on facebook there is a friend time line as you can place in when you met your friends and stuff…i’m not to sure how it works…amazing who you can find

yes, it freaks me out that two people that I didn’t think knew each other are friends!

Thanks for the Corn Boil! it was a short good time!

Karole- Timeline looks at the extra friend info (if you put it in) so it would know you met so and so on this date at this event, or through this school/group.

I would like to point out that since i am a good friend, I always send you the “non facebook user” link to the pictures I post of you. :o)

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