
Da Funk

I’ve hit this weird funk during the Holiday season where I am feeling slightly depressed. I have no idea where it’s coming from, but the usual holiday season just isn’t doing it for me. I sit around thinking of all the stuff I have to get done and it just brings me down.

I have a 20 page report due by next Friday for my Qualitative Research Methods class. That on its own isn’t too bad (well, so I think..), but I am coupling it with the fact that Christmas is upon us and I have to pick up some gifts. This is the first year I have NO ideas for people. I’m usually good at this! I am depressed because I have no good ideas for anyone. My gifts this year will be crap this year people. Be warned.

So then I think “Ok, well, I’ll have enough time to work on the report and gifts this weekend.” but then I realize that the Annual Christmas Bash at yours truly is being held on Saturday! Holy mackerel, I have to get prepared! Hello Cleaning the House and picking up supplies.

Then there’s the whole Christmas party at work on Thursday which I’ve decided not to go to. This is very unlike me. Why am I not wanting to go to the work Christmas party? Well, I won’t go into the details here, but there’s just circumstances surrounding it which leave me saying “Bah Humbug.” Doh, I just remembered I have to pick up something for the needy family by Thursday! I was supposed to do that tonight. Groan.

What about my Christmas cards? I’m so late with them! I just got them today and still have to pick up stamps and whatnot. Sigh.

Ya see? That’s what the life of Palmer is all about right now. Sure sure, my faithful readers are reading this saying “Whoa buddy, suck it up, we’ve all been there!”. Well, maybe you have, but not the Palmer. Holidays are his fave of the year and right now all I want is good ideas to pop in my head for gifts and for my report to be done. This isn’t the time to be working on reports and studying for exams! They need to adjust the school year so you get a month off as of December 1st.

Ten bucks says Vero will read this and say “Don’t come out with my friends on Friday. Take some time for your report.”. Thank you, but it’s not needed. I think the report will be fine…it’s just everything else at the moment.

All I need is to curl up with some apple cider, some Crown Royal and a copy of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and all will be fine in the world.

Alright, alright, this post makes me realize that I’m whining and I should be thankful for the good things in my life. Fine.