
Dang Blue Sock!

In the haze which is the morning hour when I awake from my slumber, there is little light in my room. To begin with, there is only a bedside lamp shedding rays of illumination towards the far corners of my room. Most of the time, I cannot even see the corner of my room. One day, it was sunny out and I rose the blinds to find that a family of geese had settled into the corner of my room! Considering I haven’t noticed them before, I just let them be and threw them some of Mike’s food items from the fridge.

So, one would hypothesize that the solution to my dilemna would be to invest in a new lamp. That’s an excellent point but one that I am always forgetting to do.

The flaw in my dimly lit room is when I grab stuff in the morning, sometimes I find…they do not match.

For example, ONCE AGAIN, I have a blue sock on this morning next to a black sock. I don’t even know how I have come to inherit a black sock as my system is a fine one – Buy white, buy black. Then, in the morning, all you have to do is reach in and pull out the right shade of sock. I don’t care if a sock doesn’t match. It’s not like they have fancy designs on them.

But somewhere along the trek which is life, I have inherited a blue sock and I swear it ends up on my foot every few weeks and I swear each time to throw it in the trash. But by the time slumber comes henceforth (10 Palmer points if you can identify where that line comes from), I forget that I have the blue sock on when I throw it into the hamper.

Palmer’s life is fraught full of little bits of irritation. In the grand scheme of life, is it worse than…an agent of SPECTRE after me? Heavens no! But I do live in fear that someone will realize I have two different socks on.

At least it’s not as bad as one day at work I noticed some guy had two different shoes on. That made my day.

iplaying: Heartbreaker – Led Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin III)

8 replies on “Dang Blue Sock!”

Why don’t you roll each pair of socks together when you fold your laundry and thereby eliminate this problem?

Well then, don’t be complaining when you are mocked for your mismatched socks and then one foot turns blue and one turns black when the dye on your socks bleeds because your feet are all wet because you are still wearing your old shoes withe the holes in the bottom! ;o)

Ya, even though I never thought I would see this day, I’m siding with the feminist.


Just think ….. you still have a second pair of ( 1 blue& 1Black ) socks at home…..for emergency sake….

Possibly you people should “side with the feminist” more often. She knows what she is talking about!

Oh the quandry……..which foor now becomes…..”putting your best foot forward”….. Oh wait…due to science your feet are now interchangeable…well at least the socks are…you can now put both feet forward and be twice the man u used to be

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