Concert Reviews

Day 11 – The Dead Weather, Dave Alvin and the Guilty Women, Yeah Yeah Yeahs

On Sunday, we headed over to Duncan’s (my) old place in Bayshore to help him move. He was moving out at the end of the month and there was a lot of work to be done. Luckily, they managed to rent a truck which was the best idea ever. We would have been there for days if he didn’t have that truck with him.

Unfortunately, Duncan had not really packed anything beforehand so it was a little awkward to always ask him where certain things went. Mike and I dealt with the heavy stuff…getting that couch out of the basement was ridiculous and even more so after we realized we had to throw it into the trash! Bayshore House had accumulated approximately 20 roommate’s worth of junk since 1998 when I first rented the place. A lot of good memories were had there and I will miss the place. It has now become nothing of its former self…Duncan lives with two roommates which he doesn’t really talk to as they are not friends with us. He decided to finally bite the bullet and move out with his girlfriend.

So there we were, throwing out BBQs, patio furniture, furniture that had been there for years and no one would use…packing the moving truck. It wasn’t a hard move, but it wasn’t fast moving either! No matter, it was a decent day to do some moving.

The greatest part of the day was when I started hauling stuff from under the stairs to discover that it was primarily some stuff I had left there for the past decade! I found an old pair of skis, a dumbbell and the Holy Grail, my old record player! Beauty! Too bad that the left speaker input seems to be blown. I’ll have to see if I can re-solder it one day.

We then packed everything up, headed to a storage area where he’ll keep his stuff while the basement gets renovated in Kristen’s house and voila, the day was done by 6PM which was great timing as I was heading back out to the final day of Bluesfest.

I was in no shape to go to Bluefest and it wouldn’t have bothered me not to go. I was tired from moving, tired from Bluesfest, tired from the night out…I was tired! But Vero and I decided to go for the final night and I was pleased with the decision.

First stop was the food tents…I picked up some excellent fish and chips while Vero picked up some random pad thai dish which tasted like an Italian pasta dish. Vero was not pleased, threw it out and then bought a poutine instead. We sat down to watch The Dead Weather, which seems to be on everyone’s mind solely from the power of Jack White (of White Stripes/Raconteur fame) being in the band (on drums nonetheless!). Perhaps it was the fact that I was dead tired and hungry, but I didn’t really appreciate anything coming from the stage so we headed over to see Dave Alvin and the Guilty Women which was some country/blues band who were entertaining as Dave played guitar with an backing band of women. I had a nap over there and when I awoke, we headed over to catch the final act of the night, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Benoit had told me he thought this band was excellent and I had heard this from a few other people as well. We positioned ourselves center stage and when the band finally hit the stage, it was…interesting. The music was quite catchy in an indie/punk/dance kind of vibe. It took awhile to get used to the singer who would basically sing and then scream into the mic. Vero didn’t really care for the vocals at all but I must admit that we both thought the band was decent musically and I’m sure I will enjoy studio versions of their songs.

Oh, I forgot that they released this giant inflatable eyeball into the crowd which stayed there for the better part of the night. At one point one guy actually ran away with it which was hilarious as this eyeball was quite large. I didn’t think one guy could handle it.

They definitely have convinced me to pick up an album of theirs and give a listen which is probably the best thing a band could ask for!