
Def Leppard Postponed

The rock gods must have been looking down on Vero this past weekend as she had to give up her Def Leppard tickets because she was in her play this past weekend and would have finished around 10PM.  This was a bad scene altogether considering Def Leppard could be classified as her favourite band ever.  At least we found someone to purchase her $93 ticket.  But on Friday night as I was sipping a beer I got a phone call from Mike who said he had bad news.  Visions of someone breaking into our house danced in my head and I was relieved when he said that Def Leppard had postponed their upcoming shows as Joe Elliot has fallen ill.  I can’t say that I was disappointed at the postponement as it gives Vero another chance to see them!

This also opened up a little more time for me to study for my Quantitative Research Methods exam which is happening on Tuesday.  I have a good grasp of the material so I didn’t know how much I needed to study.  It turns out that I was well on my way by Saturday afternoon and decided to go out to celebrate Krista’s birthday.  In fact, we also squeezed a little game of Settlers of Catan (we’re hooked!  This game is incredible!) before going to bowling.

Krista’s birthday was celebrated in my old neck of the woods…down in Westboro.  We went to the bowling lanes and had a few good rounds.  Actually, I did incredibly well in the first game with a score of 162 but then failed miserably in the second game and had something like 92.  We then headed out to the Carleton Tavern which is actually a good time…no cover charge, decent band, and a bunch of old-timers.  You can’t go wrong.  I can’t believe I had never been there before in my life.  It reminded me of the Chateau Kap or the Sunshine Tavern back home.  I ended up leaving soon after arriving to head over to Vero’s and left the party so they could continue their peanut races (which involved dropping a peanut into a beer and the last one to float back to the top had to be chugged.  Interesting.

Vero and I had a bite to eat at the Newport Restaurant with Matt and Karilee on Sunday afternoon.  The Moe’s World Famous Newport Restaurant is quite the amazing restaurant.  It’s the World Headquarters for the Elvis Sighting Society and the place is full of memorabilia.  They have this great Montreal style pizza which has tomato sauce, mustard, pickles and ham.  At first this seemed disgusting but after trying it I realized that you should always try something before denouncing it.  Yum!

The rest of the afternoon had me studying as well as Mike gallantly offering his services to fix Vero’s computer (which Matt had supplied a motherboard for).  He got all the hardware working but Windows has a hard time handling an entire new hardware setup and had a hard time booting up.  So, we realized that we had only got one step closer to fixing Vero’s computer and I decided for the time being that we should just put her hard drive into my old PC and give her that until we can have more time to fix hers properly.  At least she will have it so she can search for a job on the Internet.  She is getting quite frustrated with the job search as she has not had any permanent work since before Christmas.  The media industry doesn’t have a lot of jobs it seems.