
Dental Woes


March sometime. It’s the storm of the century. I forget to go to the dentist. I have five minutes to get there – there’s no way. So I call and reschedule.

Fast forward last Thursday. The day of my final exam. Hmm…well I didn’t realize that I had a dentist appointment on that date also. No worries. What’s the worst that can happen when getting some tooth work done? A little freezing here and there, I’ll be fine for the final exam.

I get to the dentist office, let them know I am there (fast fact – they don’t know you by your face in the city within the first three years so I was sitting in the office for 20 minutes the last time before getting up to inform them and they thought I hadn’t shown up.), and wait a bit and then they tell me that I have no appointment that day, but it’s on May 7.

Well that’s strange. I have no idea how that happened in my calendar. Oh well, not a big deal. I’ll go and study for my exam.

Then I get a phone call the next day saying they have an opening and I can come in on Monday. Sweet!

Yesterday I head to the dentist, I’m waiting, waiting, WAITING. Finally 15 minutes pass and Diane the hygienist comes on out, talks the talk and I have a seat in her dental torture space (do they call it their office) and then she starts talking about cleaning for the day.

“Uh, I think I’m supposed to be here for some sort of work on my teeth.” – Me
“Really? Hmm…your chart does indicate that you are supposed to have some work, but it was for March and I don’t see another appointment booked.”

Sure enough, somehow there was never an appointment booked and all along, I was heading in for a cleaning! Argh…I was upset. But there’s nothing much I can do so I never take it out on people. Who knows how that happened? The Doctor came in and apologized and I said “No worries.” in fear that once he got me under the knife he could have done whatever he pleased and I may have a smile like Ross Geller who had the glow in the dark teeth at one point. Mental note – never piss off anyone who could mess something up on your body and you go in there willingly.

So now I have to head back into the dentist AGAIN (three times in three weeks! Cripes!) so hopefully all will be good after that point on.

Palmer’s Rant about Dentists: $150 for someone to take a tool which looks like a metal toothpick out and scrape your teeth doesn’t sound worth it to me. I can scrape my own teeth I would think. What are people’s thoughts? I can see if they put the polish on there – that’s something I can’t have handy at home. But a metal toothpick? That’s all that happened yesterday.