
DTS Ahoy

Last night, Eric dropped by to watch the uncut version of American Psycho. I love the satire in this movie and I think Eric enjoyed it also. The ending gets a little wonky but whatever. Christian Bale is the man.

Anyhow, I was commenting on how the stereo seemed all wonky (as in the vocals were coming through the rear channels) and so we toyed around with the entire setup for a good 45 minutes.

The ultimate test was when I popped in All That Could Have Been – NIN Live. But the DTS didn’t work at all! That took awhile to figure out but as soon as it was discovered we sat there in bliss at the sound. I really can say that I feel that I’m at the concert while watching this thing. Amazing.

I am now pumped to see NIN with Matt in a few weekends. Hopefully we can exchange our tickets to get floor seats.

Thanks to Eric for making my audio experience life changing.