
El Moustachio

Aww man, there’s something wonky with Blogger today and I cannot attach a great picture of a moustache here!

So Katie’s cottage party is coming up in August and entry fee for this year consists of growing a moustache.

Not one to grow much facial hair, I decided to start growing one last week, along with a goatee so Vero doesn’t have to be embarassed walking next to a moustachioed man.

So far, so good. It’s probably been this long before on a lazy week…I’ll be starting to enter new terrain soon enough…where Ryan’s hair has never gone before!

What will it look like? Will I realize that I could have grown a pretty sweet moustache all these years ago, and that I am on my way to being a true Ladies man?

Who knows? Unfortunately, it dawned on me that I’m the usher at Shannon and Maureen’s wedding in a few weeks so the experiment will have to end there, and start up as soon as the midnight bell rings that Saturday night.

2 replies on “El Moustachio”


I am très impressed Palmer!

And sad that you have to remove it. But where is the rule that an usher can’t have a goatee?

Anyway, kudos on your early attempt!

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