
Electronics Breaking with Weather Change?

I want to run something by you all and ask if you have any other scenarios that match what I’m seeing.

I think that the change in weather may be affecting our electronics in a negative way. In the past two weeks we have encountered the following electronics failing:

– Vero’s power supply on the computer blew. Subsequently, her motherboard was fried (or vice versa…I don’t know what started what, either way both are down).
– Vero’s roommate’s power supply blew bigtime…to the point where there were was smoke.
– Mike’s Mom’s computer is broken (update, just found out it was virus related…no weather storm activity on that front!)
– Our Xbox is down and potentially unsalvageable
– Vero just phoned and told me that our router is down.

What the heck? In the past two weeks, how can all this happen? While I admit that it could be a freak coincidence, I wonder if it’s the weather changing, the humidity in the air, etc. I remember years ago back at Bayshore, the telephone lines came into my closet and one point and were a jumble of wires. One day the phone lines went wonky and the technician came in and told us that the lines were affected by the humidity. Random.

Anyone else having problems like this?

One reply on “Electronics Breaking with Weather Change?”

I think you can probably put that one in the coincidence column.

I want to say that the power supply is statistically the computer part that breaks the most often; unfortunately, google has not returned any stats on this. But lets try to apply reason to this:

The most unstable and potentially dangerous environmental hazard for the computer is power. City power is subject to power spikes, dips and other fluctuations that the power supply must compensate in order to provide a constant supply of DC power to the motherboard and other peripherals. This is why a surge protector is recommended, but also why it is important to keep the power supply clean. I’ve had to replace the power supply on my computers a multitude of times in the past 9 years (the only part that has ever failed on my computer.)

Mike’s mom: I think that Mike should stop sending virii to his mother. She’s such a sweet woman!

Your Xbox: that’s what you get for a hard mod!

Vero’s router: It’s working fine! There’s just no computers to route to.

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