
Enter: The Night from Hell!


What the heck?  The kid can roll over on her side already?

Well, there went the plans of sleeping in.

For the most part, the baby has been doing pretty good.  She feeds and then she sleeps.  If she isn’t sleeping, she just hangs out.

Until the other night where she screamed like a banshee after every feeding.  Nothing was working…rocking, singing, breakdancing…it just wasn’t working.

Feedings came and went, kid was still screaming.  I took Sierra from Vero to figure things out because Vero is the key ingredient in this mix at this point.

After a few hours downstairs with my handy earplugs, I finally clued into the power of my pinky finger in her mouth.  Bingo bango, I left that thing in for 30 minutes and she went to sleep.  Great success, nyes.

I did my victory dance three hours later when Vero and I woke up.

It was a tough night and we made it through and that’s what counts.  Also, I guess whatever trick I pulled out of my hat may not work the next night, but a victory is a victory nonetheless!

2 replies on “Enter: The Night from Hell!”

My first thought, when I read this post was: OMG I hope he washed his hands before he put his finger into her mouth!!! But that is probably just the nurse in me.
What I recommend for next time is that maybe a soother would do the trick. There are some special ones for when you breastfeed, but then again that is a personal choice. Sometimes, it does prove to be handy. Personally and that is just my opinion, I find it easier to remove a soother than to get them to stop sucking on her thumb or her fingers.

Cheers !! hope to be able to visit soon!!

I am now going to call you Nannie (Nurse Annie!). Thank you for the tips! We are going to look into those special ones for when you breastfeed. She’s got a lot better since that night which is great!

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