If you missed this bit in the 2020 Holiday Special, here it is again…Ezra laughing at me making a popping sound
I bet Ezra thought walking inside the house was hard enough…I feel bad for him in the snow!
Going for a sleigh ride
I, too, have wasted hours playing ‘pick up this piece of paper’
Ezra is getting old enough that he is able to climb up on the couch himself quite easily. This has added some stress into the household because he likes to get near the edge and peer over. Here is Sierra sitting next to him to protect him from doing a flying leap off of the couch
These two get silly before bedtime
Dress up day
He must be copying my drunken sailor dance moves
Waiting for baseball to start up
One last visit to the Castor River before it gets too cold
They found a great log to sit on
Ezra and his snack chair. At least we try and get him to sit in his chair to eat a snack. At this point of the game, he can walk around the house whenever he pleases so he doesn’t sit too long in one spot
Building some strength
Probably watching Passe Partout before bathtime
Look at the excitement on his face! After this video was taken, I bring him down to play piano a lot more now
First time Ezra ever saw a walking snowman
Hunting mice
I’ve been playing a lot of guitar with Ezra and this is a common sitting spot for him while looking out the window
We checked out a trail in the Cumberland Forest on the way to Limoges (there’s actually two completely different trails labelled as the Cumberland Forest, one on your way to Limoges and one on Frank Kenny) which was a nice trek but not too many hills to slide down.
If we put a plow on the front of this car it could clean up toys well
Getting in the Christmas spirit
Master Yoda teaching arithmetic
New pyjamas from Grandma and Poppa on Christmas Eve
Ezra loved his box that he got
Ezra looks very impressed on Christmas morning. “Why do I have to wear this hat again Maman?”
Vroom vroom
Ezra liked putting up the stickers on the window
This is how Maman has to drink her hot chocolate on Christmas morning
I feel this pose will be good in their teenage years
Relaxing before the turkey preparation
I was super upset that there was no snow on Christmas day. But we made the most of it. Santa had brought Sierra a jump rope so we were showing her how to use it. I wish I had a time machine to go back to this moment and tell me NOT to do this! I think jumping in my winter boots really messed up my hips and back for the next week. It must have been the impact of landing really hard on my feet in those boots. I’m glad that I’m ok now!
It’s not often in the winter that we can bring the kids into the hot tub but if the thermometer is above zero, we go for it. Even if it is Christmas day!
It’s fun to bring out new toys for Ezra that we may have forgotten we have. He really enjoyed playing on this xylophone
Mmm boy!
La buche de noel!
This was a pretty neat car racing set that we let the kids open before bedtime. That was a bad move. We course-corrected the next day and only had gift opening anytime before supper. Yes, this was another year where we opened up a few gifts a day across the holidays.
Ezra giving zerberts through a shirt
Helping shovel
Sierra is pretty fast at pulling Ezra on the sleigh!
Who needs a sled when you have a scoop?
A boy and Battlecat
Ezra trying out his new hockey stick
Quite the interesting ice coming off the roof of the shed
Have to brush off the car as we don’t park both in the garage any longer
“How you doin’?”
I was pretty pumped to get a print of this family portrait of the Hilarious House of Frightenstein as the original print run was sold out. What a great show!
Nowadays my day consists of hanging out with Ezra in the morning while getting some work done on the workphone. This was probably the scene of a videoconference between Ezra, myself and a colleague
Ezra’s new favourite item