

Hmmm…before I start on my post, how many people have joined the new web revolution called Facebook?

17 replies on “Facebook”

I entered this comment like 3 times, wonder if it’ll post now. I have facebook, were you waiting to see how many people have facebook because you say something about it? :p

That’s right. I want to know if I’m allowed to go on a rant about how I hate the concept of FaceBook, or if I’m going to offend all my readers. 😉

Personally, I refuse to sign up for face book. It’s just another myspace/bebo/wayn/names database/… the list goes on … that people post way too much personal information on it and then they wonder why they have creepy people stalking them.

I’m on it…but i don’t mind it as much as those other programs…you can only search other people you are friends with…like that’s when you see their pictures, and any info they put…(which i don’t have on mine) you can search anyone, but you have to request to become their friend…it’s not a free for all…i have a my space page, but i like this a lot better than that, and i have met up with ALOT of ppl that i would have never have gotten in contact with after college, or ppl in high school…i like it…but that’s my opinion… 😀

If “friends” wanted to chat with you they would have stayed in contact…

I don’t believe in my space or anything resembling it…

goes back to the A/S/L questions you were asked when you were in VP chat rooms..

Those places are like a visual phone book of singles looking for a “date”

Shhhh…Palmer, he’s not supposto know that!
I joined Facebook – I moved away from home right after high school and lost track of everyone. Since I joined (all of about a week ago) I’ve caught up with most of my old friends…It’s great!

I have not joined it yet, but will probably be trying it soon.
I have got tons of emails re. joining facebook.

Didn’t try it and not planning to! I’d rather take that time and spend some face to face time with my friends instead.

I’m on there. I joined maybe 3-4 days ago and am addicted!
I was able to track friends of mine from when I went to high school in Saudi Arabia.

Ya, I am hooked now, kinda hard to think of blogging now.
Facebook is more like a community of your friends.

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