
Family Visits

Saturday and Sunday were tons of fun as we had family descend onto the area.  Aunt Lois and Uncle Gary showed up first around 2PM and we sat and chatted and toured them around the house.  They are on their way to Gaspe for Nanny’s 80th birthday party where Vero and I will be heading on Thursday.  Later on Maureen and John showed up as well.  Our first mission was to go to Chile Chile’s, only the best hot sauce store in the Ottawa area.  John and Maureen proceeded to purchase 12 bottles of the spicy sauce!

We had an excellent feed of BBQ goods and the night descended into fun in the hot tub, some beers and Maureen’s friend Emilie visiting for a bit.  It was nice to chat with everyone and it’s a shame we don’t live closer to one another!  I had a good laugh when all I could hear in the discussions was wedding talk.  If I were Maureen and John, I would hope that the wedding will be over soon so I could get back to talking about other things!

The next day, I didn’t feel bad at all sleeping in while the others got up and left around 7ish to go to Gaspe.  Here’s to hoping there weren’t any sore heads on that drive down!

After cleaning up the place again, we awaited the arrival of Anne-Marie and Steve with 2-year old Evan in tow.

I’m not going to lie, babies don’t do it for me.  They are hard to interact with.  But a two-year old entering the house?  Now that is the cats meow.  Here was Evan walking all over the place.  We played ball with him for a few hours (we had to…he would cry if we went back up on the deck!) and we gave him a Mr. Potato Head and a Spidey car.  I had a good laugh when he set all that aside to play with a tray of pebbles on our coffee table…taking each pebble out, and then putting them back in!  Kids don’t need toys, they just need anything they can get their hands on!  I was quite excited when he got a hold of the digicam and started taking pictures.  That kid is smart and one for the gadgets.

It was nice to hang out with Anne-Marie and Steve for the rest of the night, although the visit was too short, much like the night before.  Being a stopover is too short of a time!  Anne-Marie and Steve rented a cottage in the Laurentides so that should be fun for a few days.  They’ll be coming to our house on Friday but we won’t be around unfortunately.

Thanks for everyone dropping by!  Fun times were had.