
Fire Ahoy!

The weekend was pretty low key due to a mid-term project I have to work on.

After leaving Vero’s, I figured I had some time to kill and I should take a look at cleaning my office. If anyone has been to my office in the past 6 months (I’m talking about my office in my house), you will notice that it had become a landfill. That’s right, I think there were living organisms hidden amongst the debris.

Let me tell you, after starting to clean up, I really hit this moment of depression where I realized some of the stuff had accumulated since Christmas. What had I become? Was I some lazy human being who was content in just letting things pile up in the corner? This also puts into perspective that it’s been six months since someone stayed over in the office which is clearly the cause of my problems! We need more people visiting!

After getting past the bout of depression (no really! I was really depressed!), the room was looking pretty snazzy and now it just has a little section of the desk with some CDs to put away. I need a new CD case but IKEA discontinued my matching colour Billy case. Argh! As if!

Vero then came over and we had some fish which destroyed the place with its fish smell. I came downstairs this morning and I swear I can still smell it. We then mapped out my mid-term video project along with Eric. I think we have a solid idea down and all I have to do is add some theory to it and we are set. I had the choice of writing a 1500 word essay, or creating a five minute video. Something tells me that it may be a little easier doing the essay, but where’s the fun in that?! Plus, it’s a New Media class. Time to embrace the new media! You may see the video in all its glory sometime before July 12 (when it is due).

Vero and I had a strange experience around 2:30AM that night. We were sound asleep and the smoke alarms went off! I have never (in my memory) had that happen to me so it was a surreal experience. Searching for a fire when you’re half asleep is insane. I ran down to the kitchen and there was nothing. I then ran to the furnace and there was nothing. Then I stopped to think “Well where is the smoke?”. I couldn’t smell anything. If anything, I could smell fish from the supper we cooked.

I then ran outside to check if the neighbours place was on fire. Nothing. I looked towards my attic. Nothing. I went inside and disconnected the smoke alarm and then reconnected. Still kept going. I disconnected it again and walked around the house for awhile to see what was going on. Meanwhile, by disconnecting the smoke alarm, some ceiling gunk fell into my eye which wasn’t making a nice experience for me. In the end, I couldn’t get the piece out (or I thought I couldn’t. It was gone (or my eye was scratched and healed) by the morning, thank the Maker.) and we couldn’t find any fire so we reconnected the smoke alarms and went to bed.

Question: I have wired smoke alarms, meaning that they are connected to the wiring of the house, no batteries. Do others have similar systems, and if so, have you ever had the alarms go off randomly?

Very odd. I couldn’t get to sleep for awhile as I kept imagining their was a fire creeping through the walls that I couldn’t find. Everything was fine by morning though.

Sunday was spent nabbing a video camera from Rob (thanks Rob! Lifesaver!) and Vero showing me how Final Cut Pro worked. She is leaving in a week so it’s going to be harder than I thought it would be as I will be the one editing this puppy. Yikes!

I ended up watching The Man With the Golden Gun which is an excellent Bond flick. Probably my favourite of the Roger Moore era. I also started watching the first season of 24. I must admit it is pretty good and I am always anxious to watch the next episode. Hello summer TV viewing! Where I catch up on long lost shows that I downloaded but never got around to watching.

4 replies on “Fire Ahoy!”

I have had my fire alarm do that before at night. (not very often)

I think it’s caused by the humidity but i’m not sure.

I usually take a towel and fan the fire alarm until it stops.

If you smoke detector is hard wired to your house what happens when there is a power hick-up….is there a battery backup? or does the detector alarm start?

too bad Final Cut Pro is only a mac based program…POUT !!!

I agree it is a helpless feeling…

u need visitors? hmmmmm I wonder who will look after Max the Dog?

Ryan, I totally know that feeling…it has happened to Danny and I before…you wake up in such a state of panic…and then there’s nothing…talk about an adrenaline rush at 2 in the am to keep you awake…i’m glad everything was okay…

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