
Fiscal Genius

If I were in charge of making money off of a hit show, what would I do?

Well, first I would put it through the regular channels, aka sell it to a network, make the mucho buckos.

After that, heck, there are DVD sales.

The question is, how can I squeeze a little more money out of this TV show I have?

Season 6 of the show 24 started this week, and even though I have never seen this show (one day I will, one day), I am impressed with the marketing gurus who came up with this idea: Premiere the show on television, but before that, sell the first four episodes of the season on a $10 DVD.

Bingo. Those craving more just have to rush over to Future Shop and lay down the equivalent of eating out in a cheap restaurant and pick up the first four episodes of their favourite TV show before the slowpokes have to wait an entire month while watching it on television. Suckas.

Brilliance. I would like to think that there are people who would be fiscally-responsible and realize they are already paying for their TV cable connection, just wait and good things will come to you, but I have a feeling sales on this may be decent and will start a new trend in the serialized tv show/dvd craze which has taken our generation by storm.

Anyhow, I hope that I have provided some knowledge to those who didn’t know the first four episodes of 24 are available for sale and they are rushing out right now!

iplaying: Lovedrug – Mobile (Tomorrow Starts Today)

2 replies on “Fiscal Genius”

They have been selling DVDs in Europe this way for a while! They get way more money from selling each dics!

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