
Five months old

Sierra turned five months old on October 28, 2016.  Let’s recap what’s been going on.

This was Sierra five months ago.

At age five months, Sierra is super interactive with us.  When I come home from work, I smile at her and she smiles back.  It’s an amazing feeling.

When we pass her a toy, she can hold it and generally puts it in her mouth.

She is drooling quite a bit so I’m assuming she is starting to grow teeth.

Vero has seen her roll over onto her stomach from her back.  I have yet to see this.  This is clearly the beginnings of a super hero.

Speaking of superheroes, Sierra really loves with when we fly her through the house like she is Superman.

In the past month, we have introduced the jolly jumper and the activity chair and she is enjoying them.  She has to get the hang of the jolly jumper but Vero says that she started jumping the other day.

The doctors currently think Sierra has an allergy/intolerance to cow’s milk protein.  That’s not cool!  So Vero is on a strict diet of no dairy and while she’s at it, no soy as that intolerance usually happens at the same time.  So Vero is pretty much suffering (believe me when she says that vegan cheese has no place on a pizza!) for the past month.  We will see next week what the doctor says is the next step as we don’t really see a difference in her after four weeks of this diet.

Vero is doing great at caring for Sierra while I am at work.  When I say she is doing great, I mean that every night I come home I still find Sierra there in one piece and she is happy.  Clearly Mom is doing a great job!

I think that this age might be the best…she is interactive yet not mobile yet.  I feel that right around the corner is when things will get a little more tough and I can’t just sit and watch Star Trek with her to keep her entertained!

I help Vero out by sleeping in Sierra’s room on Friday and Saturday nights while Vero is nice enough to let me sleep in another room during the work week.  This just means I have adjusted the nights where I want to have a beer or two!

Some nights Sierra wants to talk a lot, some nights she does not.  Perhaps I am interrupting her too much?