

braveheart.jpgLast night I put that take-home exam to bed.  For some reason there were a few things that weren’t working whereas they were working the day before.  I had to scramble to fix them up but I would say that the thing is in high working order.  There is still the issue of the bumblebees not moving around the screen but I figured I shall take a break for a week and if I get ambitious I will take a look at it again.  The only reason I’m not too worried about this is the fact that the scoring sheets for the previous projects didn’t have a massive point spread, meaning that on the previous assignment I handed in I couldn’t get something to move right and I lost one lousy mark.  Granted, this is the final exam so maybe I’ll take a bigger hit.  We’ll see how I feel next week after the Christmas party and shopping for the remainder of this week.  But at this point, I would say it’s 99% done and when I make the decision to forget about the movement of a bumblebee, it’s 100% done.

The exam did take me longer than I thought to finish it.  I didn’t finish coding the thing until 9PM last night and then I celebrated with a beer.  Now I can catch up on a few things, like shovelling the driveway.  Already with only two snowfalls there is a nice mound forming at the bottom of our driveway and I figure it’s time to get rid of that now before something slushy comes our way.  I heard there’s a major snowstorm heading towards us right now for the next few days so I’m sure the shovel and I will be come close friends.

Tonight I believe Vero and I will go get some shopping done.  I am hoping to see the new James Bond film sometime soon as well.  I have a free pass from my copy of Casino Royale that I purchased last month.  Can’t let that go to waste!

May I also point out that The Dark Knight (new Batman flick) is out on DVD today?  Man, that was a good movie.  I would still say I enjoyed Iron Man more this year.  But not by much.  They are both excellent films.

Iplaying: Fake Empire – The National (Boxer) – May I point out that this is an amazing album?  If you are looking for something to take a chance on this Christmas for a music fan, buy them this album.  They will not be disappointed.