
Friday Night’s Alright for Rockin’

Friday night, Mike and I picked up Krista and headed over to Trish’s new pad (which is even more divine now that I noticed her office has these massive doors which slide closed to make it an ideal music space) to help her put plastic on her windows.

The night got off to a delayed start as Mike had forgot his wallet and driver’s license. He did a loop around but then decided to continue on without it. But then we made it another 100 meters and realized we definitely had to go back because a guitar was forgotten (the guitar would be used later on in the night). We headed back, got the stuff and then picked up Krista and finally got to Trish’s place.

After measuring her windows, we headed to Canadian Tire where Mike realized he left the measurements for our windows at home! So no luck on our front for plastic. But we got some for Trish’s bedroom windows and headed home where she was making some pizza for us.

Mike and I had a decent time with putting up the plastic, although the tape was wonky on the last window and it wasn’t sticking properly. Maybe it was a faulty batch? Either way, we finally got it done in time for the pizza to come out of the oven and Krista entertained us with her concoction of nog-tinis which is essentially a martini with eggnog.

After a great meal of pizza and Caesar salad (can we also point out that Trish had an entire lasagna cooking for us also?! She was pretty disappointed that none of us took some home. Trish, we are not an army!) we started out with ideas for a holiday photo shoot. Trish wanted something rocking for her new Christmas album. Hence the reason for the guitar. I also managed to find a purple garland with stars hanging from it. We then fell into fits of laughter thinking of amazing album covers we could make and I personally loved the thought of Trish exiting a closet for the album called “Out of the Closet”. Hilarity ensued with rock star poses and fake snakes coming out of the closet along with Trish. I was even in it at one point.

We then wanted to do a classic album cover shot of just some rock star stances with the guitar being held high. Then we got the idea of an action shot and we wanted Trish to jump off her coffee table and snap the picture in mid-air. Mike and I demonstrated how the shot should look and we had a great time trying to get the best picture out of it. My fave is one where I look like I’m floating on air while playing some Stevie Ray Vaughn. Beautiful! In the end, we realized there is a lot of work in preparing your rock star image and you can’t be caught making a crazy face when you are jumping in the air while playing guitar. It’s very not-rock-like.

We got a few great shots and I’m sure one of them will make the album cover. As for which one, we shall have to wait and see!

One reply on “Friday Night’s Alright for Rockin’”

I had tears pouring down my face I was laughing so hard at those pictures when I put them on my computer. Some of what we thought looked ultra cool on the small camera display really looks as though you were just photoshopped into the air above my coffee table or as though you are dangling from it by a few toes (not to mention the fact that you are wearing brilliant red socks). :o)

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